
2018 大三出國輔導通報 -

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[ 學校資料 ][ 相關討論 ][ 選校輔導 ]《登記統計》《使用說明及問題

2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光B 403860447  賴怡蓁  留學學校:威廉安格列斯餐飲管理學院(澳洲)-限觀光系


The name of our exchange school is William Angliss Institute which is located at the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. There are two part of the year studying there. The first part is attending variety of lessons to enhance our knowledge and capabilities of working in hospitality industry as well as to be more competitive. The second part is at the last half year when we start our internship during the period. (71字)


照片說明:After the fine dining at Angliss restaurant

【照片說明:After the fine dining at Angliss restaurant】

My favorite lesson is food and beverage which can also be divided into two sections: the tutorial course and the practical operation. At the tutorial one, we must know how to keep the food in a safe and hygiene environment and furthermore be familiar to or at lease understand how to search the relevant laws about providing food. There are one topic calling RSA which is responsible service of alcohol impressing me the most. Because of the restrict requirements of serving alcohol from the Australia authorities, each server must know who we can serve alcohol to. For instance, we cannot serve any alcoholic beverage to underage or drunk people so that we can avoid some potential danger happening. We moreover get in touch with their wine and coffee culture. In addition, we have learned all the basic knowledge about western etiquette such as each kind of fine dine, table setting and the sequence of service. As for the practical lesson, the institute is running a restaurant which named Angliss restaurant. All the chefs, servers as well as the cashier or bartenders are coming from student. It is a great opportunity for us to learn the skills and keep in mind during the practical experience. It also gives us the chance to make mistake and ask question to the tutor to improve us. Moreover, because what we learn is to be the manager, we also have the chance to be the manager to arrange the dinner once. We must pay attentions on each detail such as the topic, customer number, duties arrangement and so on as well as trying to give our customers the best dining experience. The reason why this lecture is my best one is because we can really gain the experience of working in the restaurant.(298字)


照片說明:The first day arriving Melbourne

【照片說明:The first day arriving Melbourne】

The William Angliss Institute locates at the CBD of Melbourne. We can get to there via both the tram and train. It is not that big as the normal university, but we can feel quiet and comfortable there. The institute provides us a suitable environment of studying also with various facilities such as library, restaurant and opening public lounge. We can spend all day there! Me and my friend rent an apartment which contains two bedrooms and one bathroom in the CBD. It is very convenience with the train or tram station, supermarkets and variety kinds of restaurants nearby. Besides, the cost of living in Melbourne is much higher than it is in Taiwan. We therefore prefer to cook meals ourselves in order to reduce the expenses. The weather is freezing in the winter and always changes the temperature from the morning to the night. It is significant to keep in warm so that we can stay away from the disease. Because it is much more expensive to go to the hospital and see the doctor over there when we do not have the health insurance which enable people in Taiwan to enjoy the health care. Furthermore, the very difference compared with Taiwan is the night life. The local people usually spend most of their time at home after work. We therefore better not to hang out on the street along or just with few friends at night especially at somewhere we are not familiar with. However, keep our safety is the most important thing!(255字)


照片說明:The farewell with colleagues

【照片說明:The farewell with colleagues 】

I work at a Chinese restaurant in QV. I always remembered what my manager said to me during the interview and which was also the key point for him to hire me was my smile. He hopes that I can keep the smile not only to our customers but also to every colleague. At the very beginning of the job, which may be the challenge for me, the first thing I had to learn was greeting customers. With little experience of working, saying hi to customers became a hard thing for me. It might be incredible, but I was always too shy to speak loudly and confidently. The second big challenge for me was to remember the menu. There are more than two hundred dishes including entree, main course and dessert on the menu. We do not have the order machine to quickly remember every order but handwriting the numbering of each dishes will be the only method. In this case, remembering every numbering and matching it to each meal became my diary routine after work. Moreover, as a poor cook with less knowledge of food, introducing our meals to customers turned into another opportunity for me to improve myself. I was so afraid when customers asked me to introduce our favor or request some requirements especially for the people who were gluten free or vegan. Therefore, I started trying to understand the ingredients and recipe of each meal and I found that the more familiar I am with the food, the more confident I am to talk to the guests. I think that is because I have already prepared to handle any situation and requires from the guests.(279字)


The advice that I can give to the future student who is planning to exchange to William Angliss institute or any other cities in Australia is that you are definitely used to live in Taiwan where is a more convenience and safety country around the world. The priority thing you must pay attention is your own health and security. Nothing is more important than this! As for the student who are going to find the internship at foreign country, what I can say is not to try to rely on the exchange school to give you all the resource or even to find a job for you. That is impossible. The school or institute can only provide you the fundamental help for you to connect with the company or restaurant. You still have to achieve the goal on your own if you really want a great job! In addition, traveling is also significant during your exchange year. It does not mean that you have to spend lots of money to join a tour or something like that, but spend your leisure time to explore the country or city you are in. It could be kind of backpacker tour and so on. The exchange year will be the best opportunity for you to experience and explore the different culture, language as well as people in a new country. Therefore, try something new and jump out of your comfort zone. Time flies during the year and you then must have a plan about your time to best enjoy such a great chance.(260字)




照片說明:Traveling to Altona beach
【照片說明:Traveling to Altona beach】
點閱次數:292資料更新時間:09月21日 13:30
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