
2018 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
語言 405810432  謝佳娟  留學學校:賓州印第安那大學


School: Indiana University of Pennsylvania City: Indiana Date:8/19/2018~5/14 Course: Film studies-Watch and discuss one movie in class, and submit one essay per week. Introduction of Geography-Basic knowledge of geography and one reading book. Class exam and test. Public speaking-practice speech skill Introduction of Psychology-Basic psychology (ALI) Writing across curriculum-You will write Problem essay, Product review, and, Narrative Synthesis essay... Oral communication-Teacher will give you a topic and activity in class. Then, you will discuss or finish it with a teacher or classmate. Academic Literacy-Introduce American culture. Submit Academic essay and presentation.(91字)


照片說明:He will manages a partner for each assignment. You will exchange opinion and discuss structure with

【照片說明:He will manages a partner for each assignment. You will exchange opinion and discuss structure with 】

Writing across curriculum Andrew Stewart I chose his class for two semesters. Because I like his way of teaching writing. He was full of patience and give a lot of advice about my essay. To be honest, I cannot complete writing in a short time. But, he gives me a lot of time to organize the structure and revise them. It is really helpful. You also can write a different type of writing. For example, problem essay and narrative synthesis essay is the two assignment that gives me a deep impression. (91字)


照片說明:One day morning was a huge snowing day.

【照片說明:One day morning was a huge snowing day.】

The university is huge. I was living in the Wallwork hall. Basically, most of the international student live in Wallwork Hall. It is close to two dining hall, North dining hall and Folger dining hall. The school transportation is convenience. You can arrive Walmart, Martin and Indiana mall through route 12 bus. Although Indiana is not like Taiwanese weather. But there still rain a lot. I will suggest bringing an umbrella, otherwise, the umbrella with good quality is expensive. Most of the time the weather is cool and comfortable. The sun is warm in that kind of weather. But sometimes the weather is terrible, too. At first, I thought the tuition is expensive. Indeed, you need to pay a lot of money to the school. However, I think IUP contributes that money for the students. For example, the university has a free movie for students. I watched the Fantastic Beasts 2 at IUP. They also had a lottery. There has a lot of activities for students. You need to learn how to manage your time. (173字)


照片說明:Sometime the beef have discount.

【照片說明:Sometime the beef have discount.】

You definitely meet some culture shock. The easiest example is food. American food is totally different from Asia food and Taiwanese food. Sometimes I really miss our home food. I will choose to purchase some Asia food. But I didn't buy a car. In addition, I need to be 21 years old to rent a car. So, I seldom go to the Asia market. I just told me I almost finish my study. Furthermore, I try to don't complain too much. Because when I complain more, I miss Taiwan more. I try to enjoy my life in the United State. By the way, the beer is cheap in the United State. Sometimes I cook some food for myself. About the class, I think I didn't meet many problems. Perhaps it is because I am an ALI student. The class in the ALI is more simple than IUP class. Because it is focused on the basic skill of English, likes reading, writing and speaking. Unfortunately, Tamkang university won't count ALI course as my credit. But I think those courses are the point that makes me more familiar with English. There didn't have too much student in one class at ALI. So, I had several opportunities to practice my English. And the teacher is very kind. Due to there don't have too much student, it is easy to build a relationship with your teacher. In my case, it is a good way to improve my English. When the teacher talks to me, I need to answer them. I also feel comfortable to ask teachers question and say something in the class. ALI is a good place. For me, the only disadvantage is I cannot bring credit to Taiwan. About the class in IUP. Although sometimes the teacher speaks too fast and the handwriting is hard to read are the problem. The course is wonderful. First I think the tuition is expensive. However, I can feel they spend money in the right way. The course is diverse in IUP. I think film studies and public speaking is two interesting courses for me. In the film studies, we watched a different type of movie. And the professor welcomed our comments. The students are willing to answer the question and share their ideas in the United State. However, this course was open in the fall. I hadn't familiar to speak English at that time. So, I afraid to express my opinion even I have a lot of feeling. Then, I chose public speaking in the spring. At that time I was more comfortable to speak English at that time. But, you talk with others is different from giving a speech on the stage. In this course, I was speaking on the stage a lot of time. It is a good experience. Because I think the speech skill is important for my future. Although I think I haven't get used to speaking on the stage. I will try to improve myself in the future.(497字)


As I mentioned before, although, the United State is not Taiwan moist. Indiana still rains a lot. If you buy a cheap umbrella, it is easily broken. However, the stable umbrella is expensive. I highly recommend bringing an umbrella to the United State. Furthermore, you can collect some information about your hometown. Many people like to ask me some characteristic of Taiwan. For example the population. It is hard to answer me because I seldom asked this kind of question. I will search the internet. But I create a pause during the conversation. At that moment, I really hope I have more knowledge about Taiwan. It is not easy to stay in a foreign country alone. Sometimes you will feel lonely. Sometimes you will feel helpless. Because you need to take care of the whole thing. You not only have responsibility for your study but also have responsibility for your daily necessities. You need to make sure you pay the tuition before the deadline. Because no one can pay it for you. You need to plan how to arrive and leave the United State. But I think those experience can help you become a mature adult. This experience can be a nutrient in your life. In the beginning, it is hard to talk English with others. But the school has a lot of resource for international student. For example Skillzone and writing center. In my experience, I didn't have enough courage to talk to people, especially foreigner people at first. But in the English environment, there has a lot of situation will force you to talk English. Then, you will get used to it. I think one thing is very important. Don't afraid to talk. I know the first step is hard. But it will become easy when you familiar to talk in English. (304字)


You will have a lot of long vacation in the United State. You have to manage those free time. I seldom plan a trip. Because transportation is really convenient. But in the United State, driving is the most convenient way to travel. Which mean you need to have a plan about your vacation. I think it is a good experience for me. I found the information with my friend and booked the hotel. In addition, I am in a foreigner country. My parents and teachers cannot help me. So, I need to take care of myself. It is very important. No one will help me pay the tuition. No one knows I am lonely. I think I am more independence during study abroad.(123字)


照片說明:There has a lot of activity to student.
【照片說明:There has a lot of activity to student.】
照片說明:Many resources can help you life and study
【照片說明:Many resources can help you life and study】
點閱次數:300資料更新時間:04月27日 01:08
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