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2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
資軟 405850024  李顯文  留學學校:維諾納州立大學


Winona state university which located at winona, Minnesota US.(9字)


照片說明:Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms

【照片說明:Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms】

My favorite course is Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms. It is the formal study of the mathematical foundations of algorithms. This course provides students with an algorithm-based introduction to discrete mathematical structures and their application to computer science. Topics include sets, relations, graphs, proof techniques, induction, recursive definitions, and recurrence relations. Applications include the correctness and complexity of algorithms. One of the reason that i take this course is I can learn more things i have not learn in Tamkang university. Also, i can learn the America type teaching style. Every one says the American education system is much better than Taiwan. The rhythm of teaching is slow but does not delay the teaching of the entire semester. I really like that he had test every class. The test is not that difficult than we thought. It is about what we learn in the previous class. He likes us to think the following step that he was going to teach. He did not just teach all the things in course. He made us need to thing about the process. The most funniest part i met in this class was we have online teaching. Like us, we have typhoon back in Taiwan. They have big snowstorm. The human irresistible natural factors. We had cancel the course at that day. It was a little similar as in class. We needed download an application that professor used to broadcast. We still need to login to show that we are in the class and do the roll call. The good for us is we can wake up until the class time and login. I strongly suggest who does not pass the course in Tamkang can take this course in Winona state university. It was a good memories and it was really fun to study in United State.(302字)




Winona is a small university but still bigger than our school. Each sport has an exclusive place. Not like us have to share the place the others. They also have a gym can train our self. They also have two basketball court with wooden floor that allow us to play with our friend. The place I lived is call PJ's apartment. Introduced to us by the senior who went there before us. It was a nice apartment. Each person has one room. we did not have to share the room. But we only have one shower and one kitchen, which means we have to take care of the environment. There is two specific advantage to live in PJ. It is really close to school, it only takes like 2 minutes to get there. The other one it is easy to reach friend who go there with us. Even it is close to a pizza shop and a grocery store, still have to rent a car to go to Walmart and buy some daily necessities. Winona is a small town. All the things is for school. We can just take a day find out how big and what they have in town. For me the weather in winona is very strange. We arrived there at august. It was very hot, similar with Taiwan. We can wear shorts and T-shirt. But we have to wear glove and big coat. It was okay to wear T-shirt in the coat. They have heat in each building.(251字)




This was not my first time study abroad. It was also very challenge for me. Because high school and university has a big difference. When i was in high school, i was live in a Home stay. I walked to high school or took school bus. I was take care by mom and dad. I did not really have to clean the house and so. But in Winona i have to cook and do the cleaning by my self. Some time i have to communicate with roommate, to distribute the cleaning job. Other things i learn more was i have more chances to contacting different kinds of people. Some was nice and some was not. Not all the people does not like foreigners. Because the class were not the same some time i was alone at home by my self. I got to learn how to get alone with my self. Loneliness won't bother you as much If you know how to be with yourself.And also this time i got to have chance to travel with my friend. I had to book the car, ticket and hotel. It is really fun to chat with other foreigners when we are in lane and so. It feel like we were American. This year I did not just learn about the American university culture i also learn in the future I have to go to work how to okay at home alone. We can learn lots of things abroad. It depends on how we think and what we chose to do.(259字)


First of all, bring enough cash just for the way there if have credit card bring it also incase something happens. Travel check is better than cash, it has your signature on it. You will open a bank account. Second, be sure you are able to reach when you arrive. Because you need to contact the household that you are going to live. Make sure you are able get on each transportation. For an example, when you get to Minnesota international airport. Mostly is midnight. You might need to book a place to rest and take the shuttle or train to Winona at the next day. It is fine to use international phone service for 3 or 4 days. It is the easiest way to reach household that you are going to live. Bring the things you really need. You will but most of the things you need that there. You have no chance to bring all the things there. Before you go abroad try to get used to listen English. It is hard to understand what the foreigner. Do not be afraid at anywhere. Ask people if you need help nven if you are not confident in your English. People will not know with out speaking. If you are planning driving there make sure bring your international driver's license and pay attention to the US traffic rules. It is a big difference between how they drive and how we drive. Also it is hard to drive on road with snow on it.(251字)




點閱次數:291資料更新時間:04月19日 11:42
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