
2018 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
資軟 405850339  吳佩怡  留學學校:維諾納州立大學


Winona State University, Winona, 7/19/2018-5/16/2019, Computer Science(7字)


照片說明:This is a very useful book to learn web tech.

【照片說明:This is a very useful book to learn web tech.】

The best class I had in Winona was Web Technology. There are some reasons I like it so must. First, teacher was nice and full of passion teaching us. He taught us a lot about building a web page. Although the book he told us to buy was expensive, but it is very useful. It can be kept for many years. Professor taught slowly and clearly in every chapter. The best part in this class is the leb. Professor will give us a paper copy of a web he made, we have to make the same web for the lab; so that you could know what you have learn and would know how to use to build a web. Unfortunately, professor did not finish the book, but what he taught was already enough for stater who want to learn about web. Second, Web Technology is learning how to build a web page. The language it use is HTML, a higher language in programming program. It is easy understanding, we also can use it to make different design on web pages. There are many different ways to write a web page. You can found that every one have different style on typing a computer language. Some people want to have there pages to be neat, some do not care. Typing coding should be focus, it is vert easy to forgot to type a letter or typing a wrong spelling. So I always need more anergy before the class, if not, I would feel very hungry after class. The third reason I like the class very much because the final project is to make a web page by ourselves. So that I can design my own web page, and learn how to fix the problem. I learn a lot from making final program. I learn how to draw a nice blueprint because I had a terrible drawing skills. I even learn new coding professor did not teach in class. It is very difficult to make a perfect web page. A perfect web page could be two or three pages of coding, and every page have one hundred sentences. (356字)


照片說明:Winona lake

【照片說明:Winona lake】

I could still remember the first time I saw Winona State University. School does not have any walls or fence around. It has many parking lot, and the campus is just next to the streets. Winona State University is not a big campus like some famous school in the United States, but it is enough to be a university, the equipments are good and the gym was big. I live off-campus, so I do not know how does the dorm look like and how it us. As I live in am apartment , it is clean and close to the campus. Roommates are my friends so there is nothing to worry. Downtown is just few blocks away from the campus. We have to take the bus to get to Walmart and Target, or more easily way is to call a lyft. There is a very beautiful lake called Winona lake, the lake will get frozen in winter. The weather here are four distinct seasons. From July to August, the weather are big sunny days. Then the leaves started to turn yellow and red. Snow started around the end of November or December, and end by May. Minnesota has a very long and frozen winter. I get used to it and really love the snow, although the snow makes hard to walk and move, I prefer the cold weather. We do not have to pat taxes for the clothes and shoes, so the price will cheeper than other states. We bought a lot so it is not a problem. I cooked everyday in Winona, it is very expensive to eat out, so I cooked everyday. I had try some American food, but I still can not get use to it, the burgers fries everyday... . (292字)


照片說明:Beautiful campus

【照片說明:Beautiful campus】

The most impressive experience is that we were going to airport tomorrow, but we just get to Winona three days, my boyfriend and I do not know how to get to the airport. We tried some ways such as asking the landlord, and ask professor we met un campus. Both of them told us a company and phone number. We decided to make a phone call to make sure it can take us to the airport. So we did call to the company, but the other side is a native American speaker, he talked very fast, and ask us were we were. We were nervous because it is hard to understand what is he talking about. This is our first experience talking to a native American speaker on phone. Fortunately, we have to talk to professors and classmates to improve our speaking. It is no longer a dough thing. In the beginning of the semester, there are lots of home works, reading and righting. We have quiz every two weeks. I started to spend more time in library, learning how to plan a schedule. Actually the lesson will not be too hard, but still have works to do such as small quiz. The culture shock would be the tips. It is very different with our culture. The first time I saw giving tips is from my cousin who lives in New York, she taught me how to give tips in the U.S.. You have to pay at least 12% form your meal. (252字)


There are three suggests for people who wants to study abroad in Winona. First, if you hate frozen weather, and could make you uncomfortable, do not come to this frozen town. Second, if you do not have enough credits in lanyang campus, it is a very good time to get more credits. The classes are fun and professors are nice. Third, if you want to have working experience, you can earn some money in cafeteria. Working in cafeteria not only earn money, you can also make new friends from different countries. Those are three important things you should know if you want to study abroad in Winona. But for a simple study abroad in the U.S. , remember to plan your schedule. This is very import when you study abroad. We knew that there are many vacations during semester, plan it before a month. There are different times and locations having discounts or special events. We do not born in America, so plan your days in America, do not waste your days during study abroad. The health care is very expensive, so make sure you have insurance, or you might need to spent lots of money. Be careful the cops in the United States, not because they are dangerous, I mean the culture we met cops in Taiwan is totally different. If you see cops driving behind you with lights on in Taiwan, you may just ignore, but in the United States, you have to drive slow and stop your car, remember to put your both hands on steering wheel. (260字)




照片說明:One of My dreams
【照片說明:One of My dreams】
照片說明:Wonderful day
【照片說明:Wonderful day】
點閱次數:227資料更新時間:04月27日 08:18
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