
2018 大三出國輔導通報 -

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[ 學校資料 ][ 相關討論 ][ 選校輔導 ]《登記統計》《使用說明及問題

2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
資軟 405850461  吳聲德  留學學校:布蘭登大學(加拿大)


I am studying at Brandon University in Manitoba, Canada, from last August to May this year. I took a language course last semester and started a revised course in the next semester.(32字)


One of my favorite classes is the database, which was a course in the second semester. The teacher who teaches is an Indian, but speaks very standard English. Let us know very well what he wants to say.This class is also my first time to learn how to write some very simple programs. Although it is a very simple program, it gives me a sense of accomplishment, which makes me understand that learning to write programs is not imaginary that difficult. In the classroom, the teacher does not teach very difficult things, most of them are very basic grammars, and after using these grammars, the program will give you the results, let us know clearly that the cranes use these correctly grammar.After the class, the teacher will also give some simple homework, let us practice the grammar of the class, so that we can write the program more skillfully. In the process of writing homework, the teacher does not ask us to complete the assignment in the prescribed format, so that everyone can have more imagination space to complete the homework.The scoring standard for this class is 20% attendance, 60% homework, and 20% exam. The teacher also told us very clearly that as long as the homework is handed over and there are classes, this class will basically pass. I think this way is very good, so that students do not have a lot of pressure because of the exam, and by means of homework, we can practice writing programs more.During the mid-term exam, the teacher allowed us to open a book and let me reduce the pressure on the exam. Write the meeting first, how to complete the answer in the reference book, so that we can do another exercise during the exam.I really like to go to this class, although the things I learned are not difficult, but they are very practical.(316字)


The school is located in a small city in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. The town is not very large. Most important places to buy or sell or important institutions are on a fixed number of streets. The rest are usually They are all homes. If you want to buy something special, or if you want to take a plane, you will be invited to drive about three small things to go to Winnipeg, the largest city nearby. I lived outside the school with a few classmates. It was only a five-minute walk from a very close distance. The landlord was very good and often took us to a nearby supermarket to buy some food and daily necessities. This kind of help in the winter. It is very good. Because the winter here is very cold, often it’s minus ten to twenty degrees. It’s very painful to go out, not to mention bringing the supplies back home, sometimes when referring to these things, The hands will freeze until they are unaware. When I first came here, I was not very accustomed to the food here. Most of them were fried, not only not very tasty, but also high in calories. It made me feel very painful when I went to the toilet every day, and my ass was very painful. So after that I will eat less food here. Usually I have time to cook some lighter things, and buy some fruits in the supermarket to help digestion, although it will be more expensive, but it is still healthy.(259字)


When I first arrived, the students of the China Student Union were very enthusiastic to entertain us to join their activities, and also very enthusiastic to provide us with help, such as opening a bank account, or opening a phone number, although these are not difficult, But they are still willing to help us. Therefore, when we encounter difficulties in life or other aspects, we will ask them for help, so we have not encountered very difficult things in life. In terms of homework, the teachers are also very enthusiastic. Most of the classes we have here are small classes. There are usually not many students in the class. Therefore, the teachers have more time to take care of the students, and the teachers will not I am eager to go out, so we will use this time to ask some places where the class does not understand. The teacher is also willing to ask him some questions at class at other times. Even if I don't dare to ask the teacher about the problem, I am not very jealous. The students here are also very enthusiastic. Most of the time, I am very willing to help us answer some questions.Most of the students I saw here are very serious in class, not as boring as we are, perhaps because they are all they want to learn, not what their parents ask them to learn, so everyone is very active. Learning is very different from the way you study in Taiwan.(252字)


This is a very beautiful university town, the scenery is very beautiful every season, especially in the autumn, the maple leaves are full of the streets, and then the sunset is shining on the road, really beautiful. But the winter here is very cold, usually minus twenty degrees, if it is not worn, it is easy to frostbite. It’s great to study here. It’s not that teachers or classmates are very willing to help, and the university student clubs are also very caring for us, so they are very happyThe food you eat in this place is very oily, so it is recommended to cook it yourself, not only healthier but also cheaper. If you come here, you don't need to bring summer clothes, because the weather here is relatively cool, and it will become very cold after October. Therefore, you should bring warm clothes, otherwise it will be zero in January or February. Temperature, very cold. If you come here, it is very recommended to walk around in the winter and summer vacations and experience different cultures. It is very rare to come to this place.(189字)




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