
2018 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光A 405867119  徐雅莉  留學學校:國際飯店管理學院(澳洲)-限觀光系


I chose International College of Hotel Management for my study abroad, and it located in Adelaide, Australia. It gave very professional knowledge of hotel management. The course in this school has variety class. I chose Room Division, Food and Beverage skill, Business Communication, and Guest Delivery Service. Theses four courses gave me novel experience and I have never had. Room Division is taught about housekeeping, laundry,and so on. Also, I have several practices to clean the room in the hotel. The Food and Beverage class taught about the restaurant operation and also gave us some knowledge about drinks. In Business Communication class, teacher would have a lot interaction with you. The Guest Delivery class is to work in the restaurant, and it was interesting to service customers. Theses four courses that made me to learnt the standard of hotel knowledge.(141字)


照片說明:This is the bar class and we made some mix drink.

【照片說明:This is the bar class and we made some mix drink.】

In my study abroad program, I took four courses in ICHM. The class I like is the Food and Beverage Service Standard. This class taught you to have the foundational skill in food and beverage. It can learn how to set up the table, how to carry the plate, how to make coffee. Every week we have four to five hours to take this class. At the beginning, the professor would tell us the knowledge and then we would start to practice. For example, we would practice setting a table, and imitate to service customers. By the several practice, we were familiar with the process of service guests. It was very novel, because we don’t have a chance to learn the western quests service. In Taiwan, we seldom have a meal with alcohol, but in Australia it is very common to have a meal with wine. We also learn several types of alcohols. In the wine class, our professor would give us some alcohols to taste, and tried to know what it tasted like, and what it smelled like. It took me have the foundational knowledge of alcohol. If you love coffee, you cannot miss the coffee class. It is very special that the Australia has their own type coffee, that was flat white. In coffee class, we learn how to make Cappuccino, Flat white, long black, and so on. It is not easy to make a good coffee. When I first time to make a cup of long black, the flavor was so sour and bit. I tried many times that can make a normal coffee. We also have the bar class, and it is very interesting to mix the alcohol. Truly, the mix alcohol tastes not good. Not just mix alcohol, but also the mix drink. We also learn which drink match which garnish. Food and Beverage Service Standard class made me to learn rich professional knowledge and the professor was very nice and willing to help you to solve your problems. (335字)


照片說明:this is the dorm.

【照片說明:this is the dorm.】

I studied in International College of Hotel Management, and it located in Adelaide, Australia. In the first semester, I lived in the campus and our dormitory is divided 4 people in a apartment. I have my own desk, room, and wardrobe. Our dorm provided food, but it has the time limit, such as lunch time is 11 a.m. to 13:00. If you wish chief make other food, you can write advice for them. There is an Asia market near the campus, or if you want to go to the city, there is a bus station near the campus. The weather was a little bit cold in fall, and it is very dry, so I always use lotion to protect my skin. In the second semester, I have internship in gold coast. It is very different between Adelaide and Gold Coast. (138字)


照片說明:this is my favorite teacher!

【照片說明:this is my favorite teacher!】

During this year, I came up some problems, and these problems let me grow up. Because of the different culture, it needs more time adapt the environment. In school, I had to write the assignment, and it is a very formal assignment. The format you write is very strict, and you need to search article,book, and son on. It is very hard for me to write the assignment. Fortunately, ICHM has a teacher that can guide and recommend suggestions for you. Also, if you have some questions about the assignment, the class teacher are willing to help you. Therefore, I successfully finished and pass the exam and assignment. I had a chance to work in our school restaurant. It is very nervous and exciting to work there. Once, I should gave customer their drinks, but sprinkle the wine on the guest. I felt very panic that I don’t know how to do. At that time, my restaurant teacher came to solve it, and he told me hoe to carry the tray. The guest was very nice and she did not yield, and try to encourage me. Because of the half year internship, I need to go to another city, and then I should find the accommodation, and everything I need to do by myself. I chose the housekeeping department for my internship, and it was not an easy job. It needs strength, speed,and quality. At the beginning, I could not do very fast, so my supervisor often told me to be quick. It was very stress, so I was hard working. Then, I familiar with everything, and I got some achievement from this job.(277字)


In Australia, people like to greet for other people, no matter they know each other or not. It is very common to say how are you, so don’t be shy to say hi to people. Before you come to ICHM, it is very important to increase your working experiences. If you have several working experiences, it may let you more easy to find your internship. ICHM will give you brilliant sources to find your internship, and your guiding teacher would always keep in touch with you, when you do your internship. Every month school would give you a book that introduce some events, and festivals. It is quite interesting to join these activities. For example, in the Christmas they would have a parade surround the street. Australia is bigger than Taiwan ,and it has different landscapes in each place. If you visit to Melbourne, you can not miss the Great Ocean Road. It was very spectacular! There is a suggestion before you come to Australia, keep studying English to maintain your English level. There are a lot of assignments to do , so your writing skills need to be enhanced. During this year, I was very full of my life, and find different culture between Eastern and Western. Try to accept and understand their the culture. The weather in Australia is opposite. When you come in July, the weather here is winter. Moreover, it is very dry in Adelaide, so keep your skin moist is very important. At the end, take your joyful mind to face your study abroad.(259字)




照片說明:This is my classmate.
【照片說明:This is my classmate.】
照片說明:have fun
【照片說明:have fun 】
點閱次數:273資料更新時間:04月26日 13:56
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