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2018大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
應資 406847011  鍾明耀  留學學校:維諾納州立大學


Winona State University, Winona, 8/13/2018, Computer Science (6字)


I study in Winona state university. there is one class that I really really like is web Technology. The teacher is a really nice person she treats international students very well, and I like her a lot because her class is very entertaining and while it's fun, but I can also learn a lot and, he always tries to solve our problem and teaches us one on one, during the class there is one other Chinese teacher, so there is no language barriers, if we don't understand something the Chinese teacher and help us translate, because in our class we have around 30ish students and in those students asian students stands around 15, so when I'm studying in our class I don't feel any awkwardness witch is very nice. If you pay attention to what teacher taught in the class basically you will get a high score, and the only down side for this class is that you have to buy your own textbook and it is not cheap, but other than that everything it all good, and that is why I like about this class so much. (187字)


when I first come to Winona I felt very subrb it's a very boring place to be around and it is very different from Taiwan. and I heard during winter there will snow a lot in Winona witch I like very much and it's a very different experience, because I am from a tropical place so it still excites me a lot when I see snow, it is very cold outside, there is one time I forgot to wear my coat out and by the time I got to school I couldn't feel my toe witch is a very bad experience. there is other thing that really impresses me is that when you are trying to cross the road the cars will stop and let you go witch impresses me a lot because when I was back in Taiwan no one will slow down for you to let to cross the road I feel like everyone is trying to rush to places like they don't care about the pedestrians on the road, now I'm back in Taiwan every time when I drive I think of what I learned back in Winona I'll fully stop when I see a person is trying to cross and I won't let them feel the pressure that they have to run on the cross sign. (220字)


when I first got to Winona I felt very insecure and these three thing helped me overcome I'm hard time when I was studying out of my country 1. Try to Join an online social group facebook is one of the best websites for meeting new people with a common interest, and what I did was I sign up and get to know new friends round the area so when I need help I can ask them because they have more experience than I do. 2. Do what you've always wanted to do as much as we adore our loved ones, sometimes we get complacent and hold ourselves back from what we really want to do, such as working on a business plan when you really want to go and watch the game with your friend. however, being alone can sometimes give us the kick in the ass that we needed. now that you have a lot more free time and few distractions, you can pursue a hobby you've always wanted to do. being alone also gives you the opportunity to meet new, like minded people. 3. write a not to yourself to read when you feel most challenged there are going to be times when you'll want to thrown in the towel and quit; it's all too common to let your emotions affect your rationality. Don't let that happen and instead, write yourself a not and look at it whenever you feel most disempowered. it was written by your best self, to you. the irony is that you may never need it at all. (262字)


the advice that I would give to the students that who is going to study abroad is 1. studying abroad is a unique rewarding experience that offers you opportunity after opportunity to grow academically and personally, but you will never get the chance to see where it can take you if you don't pursue it. so, whether you're pondering taking the first step out and applying to a school, or you are already studying abroad and thinking of getting involved in campus, my advice it to go for it, don't wait your whole life and do nothing. and my second advice is to enjoy and dare to fail. 2. one of the most important ingredients in life and when you study abroad is failure. have the confidence to get thing wrong. try something new and don't be afraid about that. the other most important ingredient when you study abroad is enjoyment. enjoy what you are doing and if there is any aspect in there that you don't enjoy please speak to your friends or family, try and let them help you out. studying should be joyful so make the most of it. (190字)




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