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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
語言 406810068  蔡翔仲   留學學校:華沙大學(波蘭)


Name of University:University of Warsaw City: Warsaw, Poland Duration:31.07.2019~10.07.2020 Courses: Polish language, Russian language,Geography of World, Geography of Poland (21字)


One of my favourite courses in the University of Warsaw was Russian language. I have been interested in Slavic language for a long time. In fact, I set my goal to study in Russian department when I was in senior high school. However, I did not apply for it at the end, which was against my parents’ suggestion. In retrospect, that might be one of many wrong decisions I made in my life. Despite that being said, I did not give up on the task. I tried to study the language via Youtube on my own. However, it did not seem to work for a total beginner. When I was browsing through the website of University of Warsaw, I found that there were courses for plenty of languages, and Russian was on the list. This is a piece of good news for me.Thanks to the lessons, I had basic knowledge for the language.In the class, there are students from all around the world.All of students are beginners except one man from Georgia. He had rather sufficient knowledge for Russian since Georgia was once part of the USSR,but he registered for the basic level course by accident. The instructor of the course was Dr. Nataliya Krenska. She was a polyglot that was incredibly proficient at Slavic language. Besides Russian, she was also fluent in Polish, Ukrainian, and various dialects. She was very inspirational and motivating. If it were not for her, I would not make such a progress. (251字)


As the capital of Poland, Warsaw is a very inhabitable city. In comparison with other countries in Europe, the living cost in Poland is relatively low; to be more precise,the spending is quite similar to that in Taiwan. Poland is a relatively homogeneous country, to my surprise, however,I found that there are actually a lot of expats in Warsaw, and most local Polish people are friendly toward foreigners. The traffic system is well-developed. Within the city, trams, buses and metro are the best way to commute and can be conveniently accessed; at the doorstep of my apartment, there are stops for both trams and buses. However, since I live at the city center, the campus, station, shopping malls,banks, museums and many infrastructures are within walking distance.For international travel, there are also long-distance buses and trains that head for most major cities in Europe. Poland has four distinct seasons. Spring time is the most beautiful season as flowers and trees blossom, decorating the city with bright colors. The summer in Poland is not as humid as in Taiwan and is comfortable. Starting from October, it gets colder and in winter, it is incredibly cold and the sun sets around three in the afternoon. In December and January, there are chances of snowing. As such, do not forget to bring enough clothes that help you survive the harsh winter. Warsaw is a great city with complete infrastructure; entertainment, daily necessities, public transport, etc. are easily accessible. (248字)


I must admit that I was quite worried, or I should say panic, a month before embarking on this grand tour and so were my parents since I had never been away from home for so long. I felt a mix of uncertainty and excitement, eager to know what was waiting for me in the following months. Besides academic achievement, learning to be independent, I think, is more important for life in the future. The year abroad is a colorful time in my life. Many wonderful things happened. I met a lot of new people from different parts of the world, learned two languages I had never been familiar with, Polish and Russian, and most importantly, I visited twenty four countries in Europe. I learned a lot from the stay in Poland and I cannot wait to share what I experienced here. Not all memories were pleasant, though. One of the challenges I faced was coronavirus pandemic, which led to hatred against Asian people. There were attacks and discrimination against Asians. I was a victim of verbal abuse; when I was taking a trip in Bosnia, I was called “Corona” on the street and publicly taunted in a restaurant. Though it was not an enjoyable experience, it was a lesson and I did have some reflection. That is, being a racist and unfriendly toward foreigners not only accentuates one’s ignorance but also shames his or her own country. It also occurs to me that in Taiwan we have such racial discrimination against people from Indonesia,Vietnam, and some other countries. (261字)


Maybe Poland is not the first country that comes to our mind when it comes to mastering English, and you might be worried about language barrier. However, in urban areas, English is spoken and there should be no problems with communication with locals. I strongly recommend you to take Polish course. Although it is a very difficult language and you might not be a master in the language within one year, basic daily conversation is enough and will help you close the gap between you and locals. Besides Polish courses, there are plenty more language courses at your disposal. Another merit is the low living cost. Food and daily necessities are relatively cheaper in Poland, when compared with the US, Canada, and other European countries. Poland is a country steeped in history and due to its poignant past, Polish people are very patriotic. Therefore, it is important to avoid speaking ill of their country.Otherwise, they might not be pleased. In general,though, people are very friendly toward foreigners. From my personal experience, wearing clothes that bear a Polish flag will show locals that you like their country and they tend to be more friendly to you.Studying in Europe will benefit you not only in terms of language;travelling is another way of learning.Spend some time exploring other countries in Europe. You will surely learn a lot and it is not something you can learn in the classroom. (240字)




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