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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
語言 406810126  呂湘羚   留學學校:加州州立大學長堤分校


California State University Long Beach. Long Beach. 2019/7-2020/03 First semester: -Gender, Race, Sex and the Body -Greek Mythology -Japanese 101 -Beginning Hiphop Dance Second semester: -Fitness Walking -Badminton -Japanese 102 -Career and Self-Exploration -Composition(32字)


照片說明: Last day of dance class (another course)

【照片說明: Last day of dance class (another course)】

I really love all my courses in the first semester. One of my favorite courses was Gender, Race, Sex and the Body. I learned many correct concepts about feminist, which is not talked a lot in Asian society. We not only did a gender interview but also did an interesting media analysis. There was a chapter includes several concepts. It was about a variety of gender concepts such as gender queer, transgender, transsexual, transman, and transwoman. According to this chapter, there was a message from a person who talks about his or her gender. It also refers to cisgender and cissexual. Thus, people can be classified as asexual, bisexual, gay/homosexual, lesbian, pansexual, queer, straight/heterosexual. Through the gender interview, I got lots of reflections as well. In earlier generations, it seems so wrong to not identify your gender as your medical sex. However, things are changing during time. People are not only affected by their families and traditional education, but also learn to express the real self, even though it still needs lots of courage to do so. As a citizen of Taiwan, which is the first country legalized same-sex marriage in Asia, I am so proud. I witness the growth of Asian culture including all the efforts and sacrifices from those great people. It is not the end yet just the beginning. We should keep going even more on this crucial point because it is not only about your sexuality but also about how you identify your own gender and how you perform it. Therefore, we have to give more support to them, because all they trying to do is just like us, to dress up the way we like and to be the person that we really want to be. We also learn a lot of professional knowledges of our own bodies!(which is one of my favorite part of course)(314字)


照片說明:Steak and salmon (perfect last meal in park-side dinning hall)

【照片說明:Steak and salmon (perfect last meal in park-side dinning hall)】

California State University Long Beach school has a very large campus. It would take about 20 minutes to walk fast from Liberal Arts building 1 to Dance Center, which was on the other side of campus. I did not realize it would take me such long time between breaks so my class schedule was kind of tight in the first semester. Make sure to check every classroom and break time between lessons. There are three dinning halls in campus. (Park-side is the best) I usually had lunch or dinner in dinning hall after I finished workout in the gym, which was really nice and located in campus as well. To eat in dinning hall, you have to buy meal tickets by your student ID card. It would be 8 dollars per meal. There are also many other fast food restaurants and microwaves in student center and cafeteria, so don't worry about the food. As for the place I lived, there is a bus stop right in front of my apartment. It was very convenient for students and only took fifteen minutes to campus. There are several supermarkets, convenient store, gym and pharmacy nearby the apartment. You can go to all of them by foot. As people say, the weather in California is really nice and cozy. It seldom rains. However, It would be a little cold in the morning and evening. Remember to bring a thin jacket with you. By the way, California could be dry too. Maybe you should bring some lotion there to take care of you sensitive skin!(258字)


照片說明:Purple sky in Hollywood

【照片說明:Purple sky in Hollywood】

To be honest, I did not encounter any difficulties when I was there. People there are quite kind. The weather in Long Beach is also great. I can basically get any necessities in the neighborhood. The biggest difficult I had may be some problems about contracts of apartment and rental cars. Americans are really careful about the content on paper contracts, normally you would not have too much to talk over with them. And you may get confused when you sign up for English contract. So take time to understand your contract, you can even ask other seniors' advices. Make sure you know well what you are signing up for. Maybe it's because I was in southern California, I did not encounter any racist issue during school life. When I was in the U.S., I always remind myself that I represent Taiwan. Be kind and polite, don't shame your country. And remember the legal age in the U.S. is 21. If you are under 21, you have better not to drink and smoke in the public. Also, remember to have company while walking along the street at night, or staying home is the safest way. It will be more convenient if you have a car there to carry you and your friends anywhere. If you miss Asian food too much, don't worry. It is easy to find Asian restaurant in California. Anyway, as long as you keep an open-mind, be brave to talk to people and save enough money, you will get a nice experience there. (256字)


Don't be afraid to make friends! As we learn from ELC courses, American society is really a melting pot. You are not that "special" here. Since your family support you and give you this great opportunity to study abroad, don't waste it! It doesn't mean you have to follow what others do. You can enjoy what you love here! You get easily make new friends as long as you try to. You can travel to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Nevada, Hawaii... and even New York in east coast! If you are a social person, make sure to check out those social events from different school clubs! Make yourself more new friends, you will not miss a chance to join house parties. If you are more a club person but under 21, just check when the club have 18+ events. Don't go there alone, you are not that familiar with those places. If you love music, you have to go to Hollywood. You can download ticketmaster in your phone first, it will inform you if your favorite artist have concerts nearby your location. Then you can enjoy music you love in Hollywood whether alone or with your friends. If you love cooking, it is definitely a good chance to practice your home food! You can also treat your new friends with those food and proudly introduce Taiwan to them!(228字)




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