
2019 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 406820141  林亞逸   留學學校:桑德蘭大學(英國)


・University of Sunderland ・North East England ・July 25, 2019 - April 10, 2020 ・1200 Credits(10字)




I chose to withdraw my study abroad programme due to Covid-19, so many courses were forced to end early. However, there is still one course that impressed me, which is digital marketing. Digital marketing is a second-year course but I don't think the professor put too much pressure on the students. There is only one textbook, written by the professor himself, you need to read for the entire semester. Each exercise of the new chapter will be discussed during the class every week, those exercises are usually not difficult. This year, I tend to take courses that need to be implemented because I don’t want to spend expensive tuition fees sitting in the classroom to study theories. In addition, the education system of Taiwan cost me too much time to learn how to get good grades, so I need to try more different things in order to let me know more about myself during this year. Fortunately, the University of Sunderland offers a lot of courses, with a total of 20 different subjects for students to choose from. Therefore, I took six courses in completely different subjects, all of which I had never tried before. But I also noticed that the resources provided by the University of Sunderland are uneven, schools of design or media have more resources than schools of business or social sciences. If I were a student in a business school or a social sciences school, I would definitely not go to this university. Although the course content is practical, it is very employment-oriented, this kind of teaching method is a bit boring. To me, the learning environment at this university is more like studying in high school. The only difference is that I don't need to stay in school for more than forty hours a week.(300字)




I only lived in Sunderland City for two months, and then I moved to another city which is 20 kilometers away from it, hence, I probably don’t know much enough about this city. But I have to say that this city is not as leisurely as the country, nor as prosperous as a city. Perhaps it used to be a major industrial town (shipbuilding), but it is declining now. Nowadays, the city of Sunderland is facing development problems, with serious outflows of young people, high rental vacancy rates, and generally low income or low education for residents. Even though the British government provided the same amount of funds to every local government, the Sunderland City Council obviously didn’t use these funds to revitalize the economy or attract young people. When you live in this city, it’s hard to feel vibrant. You will feel like you are walking in the scene of ‘The Walking Dead’ sometimes. However, there are benefits to living in Sunderland City, such as low rents, and you don’t have to worry about which supermarket to go shopping because there are not many choices… If you live near the Park Lane station, you can take the metro to other areas, or take the local bus to other cities easily. As for the weather, it was not as cold as I expected. I heard that this winter will be colder than last winter, but in face, the snowfall this winter is less than in previous years.(250字)


照片說明:Campus Card

【照片說明:Campus Card】

It is difficult to specify what kind of experience I have gained during this year, because I think a lot of it comes from mental growth. Not everything that counts can be counted. However, I can tell that I didn’t get a good educational experience at the University of Sunderland, because the study abroad programme of the University of Sunderland is not comprehensive for me. The way of choosing courses is a waste of time, and the information of university is not uniform. But in the process of negotiating with the programme leaders, I still learned a lot of different experiences, and these experiences gave me more patience and a better understanding of what I care about. Furthermore, I don’t need to be required to live in a student dormitory living in the UK, so renting a house gave me more private space and time to face my emotions and thoughts. Many ideas and plans that have been put on hold in Taiwan could be implemented in the UK because of more flexible time. Although the experience of studying abroad probably didn’t change my personality too much (I still don’t drink), I did become more aware of myself during this year. I think a lot of growth requires more time to prove. Especially after the outbreak of Covid-19, in the process of preparing to return to Taiwan, I found that I was more stress-resistant than I thought, and I was also less susceptible to news reports.(250字)


There is no any suggestions for those students who are going to study abroad in the future. Under the influences of globalization, it is easy to get the informations of other countries, thus, I don't think that cultural differences will be an obstacle to study abroad. For me, when I listen to other people’s advices, I will ignore what I really desire easily. No matter how much advices we have listened to or how much preparation we have made, many unexpected encounters are what really make us grow. Just like my own experiences of studying abroad in the United Kingdom, it was completely different from what I expected - I did not learn much from the courses at the University of Sunderland, nor did I like the British culture. But I do like living in the United Kingdom, and I am also grateful for all the experiences brought me about during this year because those experiences have made me much understand myself. I believe that those students who has tried their best to solve the problems will know that not all the memories of studying abroad are good, but I think this is the meaning of studying abroad - we spend the time to explore the world, and we learn from our mistakes, then all those memories let us find our value. I truly believe that everyone has the ability to choose the life they want, so try to make your own decision bravely, and live your life fully. :)(250字)




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