
2019 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 406820166  吳湘渝   留學學校:查爾斯大學(捷克)


Charles University Czech Republic, Prague 09.15.2019-04.29.2020 The courses I had taken in Charles University: Czech for Chinese speaking students I This the Czech language course for the beginners that comes from Chinese speaking countries. Democracy - Current Challenges and Innovations This course is mainly aimed at introducing the current democracy issues around the world, and also discussed the problems and the solutions to those issues. Introduction to Social Research Methodology Learning how to apply the technical tools and useful knowledge of research methods when doing social research, such as questionnaires for certain survey purposes. Intercultural Communication Management Introducing the different cultural dimensions that classifying people's thought and personality. And discussed the differences between people from different countries. Czech as a Foreign Language II Advanced Czech language course for the students that have taken the first level Czech language course. Security Issues in Japan and Far East Asia Discussing the security issue within the Far East Asia area, mostly related to the current security issue that has caused damage to certain countries, and we'll be asked to propose some critical thinking towards those issues. For example, Taiwan and the U.S. relations and North Korea's nuclear brinkmanship problem. Doing Business in Central Europe Introducing business models and the business environment in Central Europe. we're asked to write a paper on a certain country's current business level and situation, and also propose a business plan that we think is suitable in that country. (241字)


照片說明:When Edita giving us time to take notes.

【照片說明:When Edita giving us time to take notes.】

The Czech Language is my favorite course. Learning a different language is not an easy task as I’m grown up, however, this is a perfect chance for me to learn Czech since I’m already in the Czech Republic. Czech is very different from Mandarin, it uses a lot of skill of tongue to pronounce the words such as R or L, the hardest part for me is to remember that even “Mom” can be called in 3 different ways. The teaching method of this class is the most interesting among others, we have to communicate and to interact with our classmates in Czech. At the very first class, we learn how to introduce ourselves and our country, I introduced some beautiful scene and delicious food of Taiwan to my classmate. Then, we began to learn how to buy things in Czech, this skill is the most useful one and which made me decide to learn the second level of Czech Language, being able to speak Czech while I’m in the Czech Republic is the coolest thing ever. However, the second level of the Czech language is not as interesting as the first one, we began to learn the words that don’t usually use in our daily life, such as furniture. Some of my classmates and I lose some of our passion to talk in class, however, the professor, Edita still cheer us up and try harder to let us learn more but easier. In March, we started our online course which made this course even harder to go on, but the passion of the professor and the classmates made this course even more interesting, we shared our daily life and the situation of the country every week, saying good morning and good afternoon to the classmate from different time zone, these time could not be more perfect as an exchange student. (314字)


照片說明:Traditional Czech restaurant: duck breast, pork and beef.

【照片說明:Traditional Czech restaurant: duck breast, pork and beef.】

Charles University does not have a campus, is composed of several buildings located in Prague. Sometimes I’ll take the tram from a building to another to have a class of different apartments, and it was interesting that I can see most of the passengers on the tram are my classmates. I didn’t live in the dorm, because it is heard that the dorm are very far away from the school’s building, so I rented an apartment around the new town, which is very convenient and only ten minutes’ walk from one of the school’s buildings that I went the most. It didn’t snow in Prague this year, the winter in the Czech Republic is still very cold, but there’s heater everywhere indoor, so there’s no need to worry that much. I’m not so lucky to witness the summer view in Prague, but I’m sure it will be much more beautiful to have trees and flowers in the city. The old town in Prague is the most beautiful one in Central Europe, it attracts many tourists to spend their Christmas here to feel the happy and bustling festival mood. The traditional foods in the Czech Republic are not as interesting as its view, most of the traditional dishes are steak, pig knuckle, duck breast, and fried chicken, I get tired of that meat after two weeks. However, as I mentioned, Prague is an international and advanced city, many people from other countries live in Prague, so there are still many different cuisines you can choose as well.(265字)


照片說明:Sending my package to Taiwan

【照片說明:Sending my package to Taiwan】

Living in Prague is not hard at all, it is an international and convenient city that can easily get used to the lifestyle there. Besides, due to its location, Charles University attracts tons of international students to study there, which is a great advantage for me to know people from all over the world and to learn about different cultures. However, it is still a totally different environment from Taiwan, we have to get used to a different lifestyle. I have to say that, some Czech people are not very friendly to those who don't speak the Czech language, you might get some unfriendly attitude or impatience from Czech people if you can't understand what they're saying. However, this is an unavoidable situation when you're abroad, therefore, if you don't take it personally and give them more smiles, I believe they might not be so hard on you. Besides, there are still many Taiwanese lives in the Czech Republic who had created a Facebook group that you can get any information on it. I was in very overwhelming of how to send a package from Prague to Taiwan, and the most difficult part is that the official document in the Czech Republic is all written in Czech and google translate can’t help sometimes, however, thanks to this Facebook group that I found someone who can help me with those problems and finally succeed to send my package. With these online websites and social media, I can ensure that even if you're facing some difficulties abroad, you can find someone to help. (262字)


Knowing your main purpose of being an exchange student is extremely important before you choose which country or school you want to go to. Some people might aim at the rank of the school and some think what courses they can take is crucial. And for me, how much can I see this world and traveling took a large proportion of making the decision. Therefore, I chose the Czech Republic, a beautiful middle European country which can easily arrive in other countries, as my destination. As I said, I want to see this world as much as I can during my exchange year, choosing the Czech Republic is the best decision I can make. Living in the country with both breathtaking scenery and ancient buildings makes me feel like I was in heaven every day. The school is classic and I encountered so many different cultures in the courses, I even took a class of Czech language! This year I met many people from all over the world and dined with the best beer on the planet, not to mention I could travel from country to country by just taking trains. This year could be the best year of my life. So making your decision wisely to make this whole year full of wonderful memories. (215字)


Renting an apartment in the Czech Republic is a fresh but nervous experience for me, I'm afraid of not read the contract clearly that I have to pay more in the future, and also didn't know who can I call when unexpected problems occur such as pipe or heater broke. However, it seems that I've been worry too much because when the problems come, you'll know what to do.(69字)


照片說明:Christmas in Prague old town.
【照片說明:Christmas in Prague old town.】
照片說明:My little apartment.
【照片說明:My little apartment.】
點閱次數:487資料更新時間:05月05日 19:07
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