
2019 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
資軟 406850239  蕭羽彤   留學學校:加州州立大學長堤分校


I studied in Califorina State University Long Beach (CSULB), located in CA, I took SPANISH, JAVA, PYTHON, MATH,Critical thinking, ART classes. (22字)


照片說明:National Australia Day

【照片說明:National Australia Day】

To be honest, I don't think I have a favorite class. Most of the courses that I took are pretty good and it's also related to my department, so it helps me to learn a lot. For example, I took programming classes both semesters, it 's actually a little bit difficult depending on other classes, but I have to say it 's worth it. If I have to recommend what class to choose for the students who also study computer engineering, I will recommend programming classes. The teachers are good at teaching because the programming is very hard, so she usually teaches how to do it step by step. Normally we have a lab class after the normal class, the teachers will use our ebook to explain everything in the first class, and let us do an assignment at next class to make sure we understand what we learn in class. We also have homework for the weekend, we have to read our ebook again and do some practice up there, I really think these classes helped me learned a lot. I also took Spanish class, it's also a really hard class but I had a lot of fun learning it. I still can't speak Spanish really well but I can understand a little bit. As for art class, it's a really interesting class. I met a lot of good friends there. We did so much fun art together. We did some finger painting, drawing each other, went to campus and found art to present to other classmates and a lot of different things. (264字)




Everything here is so close to perfect for me. School, Friends, Accommodation, Climate are all awesome. Except for food!!! CSULB is a huge campus, sometimes it took me 5 to 10 minutes to walk to the another building for class. The school also has a really nice gym, I love the pool there, it's so nice and sometimes you can meet some friends there. I met one of my best friend when we had spinning class, after we became friends we went to so many yoga, zumba, spinning classes together. They also have a really big soccer field, sometimes international students will play games there. What's more, my friend and I also went to the homecoming basketball game. I live in an apartment next to beachside dorm, I usually take the bus to school. I am very satisfied with where I live, I got into some trouble in the beginning finding places to live, but I met a really nice American Mexicans family, they are super nice to me, we have a really special connection to I lived with them for the year. It's a really nice area to live in, supermarkets are pretty close to us, there are also some fast-food restaurants nearby, and also it's really close to where my international friends live. As for the climate, what can I say? It's California, they have the best weather here, I usually sit under the sun a lot when I have a break between class and class, I also go to the beach a lot with my friends to get tanned. As for food, I would only say Asians have the best food! But it's actually not that bad, I started to learn how to cook, and also cook some Asian cuisine to let my friend try it, and they also made some famous food that they have to let me try. But i still have a favorite, I love "Taco Tuesday"! Me and my friends usually go to Tequila Jack's or Yard House for it.(335字)




I 'm going to be honest with this part, the life here is way different than you think, there's so many problems at the beginning, before I came I had so much imagination about how my life will be, I thought everything would be so easy but it's not, because I only think about the fun part and forget about the reality. I grew up a lot, I learned that I can't rely on anyone, you going to do everything by yourself. In the beginning there are so many things that you need to do, you have to go to the bank, get a credit card, get a new phone number, buy things that you need and a lot of things. As for classes, you got to find what class you want choose, make sure it can transfer the credit back to Taiwan's college, and also get professor's signature to add you in the class. In the class I didn't choose the classes with other Taiwanese students, so I have to find the classroom by myself in this huge campus, and try to make friends with my classmates, try not to be shy. There's a lot of different cultures here, but when my international and family talk about it we both respect each other, they learn the difference between us and I also learn it from them. Actually, it's not bad to go through all this difficulties, I grew up a lot from it.(244字)


If you are coming, I'll suggest you to get your IELTS or TOEFL as soon as possible. Also your student visa, international driver license it will be easier for you to prepare everything. As for living, I will recommend you to choose living with some foreign students from other country, it will be so much fun, you will experience a whole different life or you can choose to live with homestay families. By the way, try to make friends with other international students, you can learn so many difference things from them, strongly recommend you go to house parties, you can make so many friends at parties, if you need more details just come talk to me (wink). Also plan where you wanna travel, I went to Miami and Orlando during winter break, go on a road trip to Vegas with my foreign friends, went to all kind of national parks. TRY TO MAKE THIS YEAR SPECIAL IN YOUR LIFE! (160字)


Truly recommend make more friends with foreigners, they are so cool, I spend most of my time hanging out with them, you can learn so much from them, they are so nice so hun, they make me a better me. We celebrated Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easters together, we traveled to Vegas and went to west canyon, we were supposed to go to Mexico for spring break and Hawaii when we finished the semester but we had to canceled it because of COVIN-19. All I wanna say is don't be shy, try to communicate with them and be friends with them. It will be a really different experience for you.(109字)


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