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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
應資 406840123  曾品蓁   留學學校:桑德蘭大學(英國)


University of Sunderland, United Kingdom(2019-2020). In the first semester, I took Computational thinking, Introduction to American, Global tourism. Current Issues in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism and Heritage Management and World of work in the second semester.(37字)


照片說明:Doing squats in class.

【照片說明:Doing squats in class.】

The module which I enjoy the most is Computational thinking. Although the lesson time of this module is longer than other modules, it takes two semesters. We can really learn a lot in this module. The professor gives us different project every week, I have already learned most of them, but to listen again in full English not only can improved my listening but also make every detail clear. The professor also teaches us many ways to solve questions. There are always many ways to solve the same question, but to find out which way is more reliable and more quickly is what we need to do. Besides, the professor also gives us many questions to practice in every class. She will teach once first, let us try, then check the answers last. I have to say this kind of class mode is very good, we can make sure that we understand the topic in class, instead of going home and do homework then find that we don’t understand. Then in the next class, you dare to go to the professor. This can easily turn into a vicious circle. Professor often throw questions for us to think about. Questions usually do not have correct answers, but the professor just wants us to learn to think so that our imagination will become more and more abundant. At the end of the module, the professor asked us to do a data analyzing. We need to find group members to collect datas together then present one by one. I thought that was really a special experience. I don’t even understand what topic should I focus on, and the professor did not say it very clear. So I just do what I am interesting, the professor accepted because everyone is doing what they think.(302字)


照片說明:Outside  the campus.

【照片說明:Outside the campus.】

Sunderland is a little city beside the port. It often rains and it is very cold in the winter, but it won't snow. Because of the port, there are many seagulls, and keep calling very loud no matter day or night.There are two campuses. One is city campus and another is St Peter campus. Most of my modules is in the St Peter campus. So I seldom go to city campus. Each of the campus have many buildings. And each of them have different names. I thought it was hard to remember all of them. So I always goes to the wrong building. I did not live in the student accommodation, so I don’t really know where it is and how it is. I rented a room between the two campuses, just need to walk about fifteen minutes to school. The rental isn’t so cheap, but I live with my friend and to share the rental together is cost-effective. There are two Chinese supermarkets, a little mall and fast food like McDonald’s, KFC, Burger king and even Subway near where I lived. I have to say it is really very convenient to buy anything you needed and you wanted. The only thing which I am not very satisfy is the restaurant. The restaurants are not that much there and most of them cost very high. So to cook ourselves becomes the best choice. Besides, sometimes I will took metro to a more lively place to eat something different or in order to drink a cup of bubble tea.(262字)


When I just arrived United Kingdom, I was so afraid to talk with foreigners, most of the time I can understand what they are talking about, but just don’t know what to talk to them. Gradually, I observed how local people speak, then I start talking to them. To be honest, even though we all have a basic English ability, but I when just arrived there, I found that the British have many words that are different from what we usually use. I would like to say listening to local people is the best way to integrate into the local. At the beginning of the lessons, I do think the professor speaks so fast, making me feel no enough time to take notes. After a few weeks, I realized that although the professor said a lot of things, most of them were not the focus, so we had to filter what the professor said and then take notes. One of the most different things out there is that the students there are very active, whether they are actively speaking, answering questions, or helping others. On the contrary, Taiwanese students are more shy, passive and also prefer not to answer questions. After knowing this problem, it is very important for us to practice presenting our opinion. Even we know our English is not fluent like others, but when we are willing to try, that means we are making progress. During the time there, I also found that the locals are very enthusiastic, just like they would greet each other warmly when they walk into the store, maybe this is our cultural difference.(272字)


Before I decided to go to the University of Sunderland. I knew that there are no many choices of modules. But because United Kingdom is a country where look forward to go to, so I do not really care what modules this school have. At the beginning, I chose a module called database development. I was very excited, then I go to my first lesson. The moment I was sitting in the classroom, I was very stunned. I don't even understand what the professor was talking and what he has told. After that, he let us to looked at the powerpoint, then to practice our own to do code on the computer. Of course, I did not do anything, cause he did not tell us how to do or even how to start. That was my first information-related lesson in the UK and also the last one. What I want to express is that unless you have a good learning ability or understanding ability, don't choose this kind of class. I think the lesson of tourism, such as global tourism will be more suitable for us and better understood.(189字)




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