
2019 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
語言 406817055  陳冠如  留學學校:舊金山州立大學


In this exchange year. I choose San Francisco State University, which is located in California, San Francisco city. In 2016, San Francisco State was ranked as the most diverse student body among the 100 largest American universities by Priceonomics. I choose Introduction to Electronic Communication, Grammar for Writing--Multilingual, Basic Music I: Piano, First Semester Spanish in my first semester. In the second semester, I chose Advertising theory and practice, Newswriting, Principles of Marketing, Oral Communication - Multilingual classes. (76字)


照片說明:piano class

【照片說明:piano class】

I took variety of classes. Not only classes of my major. So I contact many different majors in two semesters. I chose Piano class, Spanish class, grammar writing, and introduction of electronic communication class in my fall semester. And in the spring semester, I chose the advertisement class, the principle of marketing class, newswriting class, and oral communication class. Through those different majors of classes, I understand what direction does I really want to develop in the future. The most recommend class is a piano class. Initially, I consider the class as only teaching music theory. However, everyone has their own keyboard. And we will accomplish many songs during the class. The teacher will go down the stage and listen to our progress and what difficulties we have in the song one by one. It let me feel really comfortable and the teacher is kind. He always slows down the class to help someone who cannot catch up on the progress. At the end of the class, we should create our own music score and play it out loud. It is quite challenging but it is extraordinarily interesting. This class has also one credit of online class which teaches music theory. The teacher will record basic music theory as a video. And we will finish the quiz every week. It is really basic and easy to understand. However, It is not recommended for people who did not have the basic skills of the piano. You need to have basic skills or it is too hard to catch up with the class. Even this class is called basic music-piano. This course starts with playing a simple song and the teacher won't teach how to play a piano. Moreover, he will teach to recognize the symbol on the sheet music.(298字)


照片說明:My first home

【照片說明:My first home】

San Francisco State University is located in San Francisco city. University provides a big library to let students study there and discuss a project there. There is also a gym as long as we have a student ID card, we can go inside to experience everything. All kinds of classes have provided, such as yoga class and Zumba classes. And inside the gym provides also a big swimming pool, fitness equipment and so on. I live outside the campus in the sunset district. It just needs to take 10 minutes to school by bus. It is really convenient. San Franciso is a really comfortable city. The weather is around celsius 14 degrees. There is a week will up to celsius 29 degrees. Other days will be cool. A hoodie is necessary for San Francisco. In the winter, San Francisco's weather are not cold, it won't snow. In the first semester, I rarely cook at home. I enjoy eating food in the restaurant, and also in our school restaurant. Because it is really convenient. In the second semester, I started to buy some foods to cook. Because I realize that eating outside for every meal seems to be too luxurious. One meal should be around US 10-20 dollars. Moreover, in the second semester, I move to another place, which has two supermarkets nearby my home. So it is really convenient to buy food. In San Francisco, State University has a restaurant like a buffet. They provide Asian, American, Mexican foods, desserts, drinks, and so on. It is really great to have a meal there. Students who live on campus are required to buy meal plans there. Students who live outside can also buy a meal plan. And we should buy at least 50 blocks. I bought 50 blocks for two semesters, and it is a very appropriate meal plan for people who don't want to cook so often and pursue convenience meals. (316字)


照片說明:Friend that accompany with me

【照片說明:Friend that accompany with me】

I have 7 roommates in my first house in San Francisco. They are all come from European countries. I am so afraid in the beginning because there have no people understand Chinese. They always held a house party during weekends until midnight. I am so frustrated that I cannot sleep until 4:00 a.m. The household already told them not to hold the party and even close a room that is for a party. However, my roommate still found some ways to open the room and party. I cannot believe why they can be so rude even they know someone was sleeping in another room. I was afraid to tell them my thoughts initially. Then, I encouraged myself that communicate with them will solve m problem. So I told them that I need to sleep at midnight. Fortunately, they understand me and also stop the party before 12:00 a.m. And they always ask me to join them and told me there is a party. They become respectful. I am so glad that I tried to communicate with them. Otherwise, I will never solve those problems. And homesick was a very serious problem for me. I miss my parents a lot in the first month that I came to America. Through making new friends, it is easier to get out the sad emotion. (220字)


In the second semester, we face the serious issue that coronavirus has brought to us. America has faced serious problems so that we cannot go outside without necessary. Classes have changed to remote teaching. Stores have closed, except some restaurants, supermarkets, and banks have open. The situation gradually becomes serious. Parents were worried about the safety of us. My parents forced me to go back to Taiwan. Because they thought to stay in the United States was too dangerous. At that moment, I really feel depressed. I have so many places did not visit, I have many things I did not experience. Because I always think I still have many times, I do not consensus that my exchange year in the united states has almost remained a few months. I hope students who are going to study abroad can cherish precious experience in another country. We never know what will happen in the future. So we should seize the day and don't let yourself be regretted it. Go outside, and explore the city. Make use of time during weekends, thanksgiving, winter vacation. Don't waste time staying at home. You will regret it after you go back to Taiwan. (198字)




照片說明:view of walking home
【照片說明:view of walking home 】
照片說明:Ocean Beach
【照片說明:Ocean Beach】
點閱次數:214資料更新時間:04月29日 12:10
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