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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 406827021  朱友寧  留學學校:斯德哥爾摩大學(瑞典)


With a population of merely 10 million people, Sweden has compelling capability in innovation, establishing many world-renowned brands such as Ikea, Volvo, H & M, Electrolux, etc. Indeed, Sweden is a wealthy country, a country that relies heavily on exports; export profits account for about 45% of GDP. The average income of the people ranks among the highest in the world, and it is also one of the countries with the slightest income inequality gap. Although citizens have to pay high taxes every year, yet, it is in exchange for a mature social welfare system. Children in Sweden do not need to pay tuition fees from elementary up to graduate school. They even receive pocket money and lunch boxes for going to school. A welfare system unimaginable in Taiwan has been deeply entrenched in this country. What is the secret behind Sweden ’s success? I wondered. During the half-year, I gradually understood the Swedish model through university courses, life experience, and the occasional chatting with Swedish friends. (164字)




Swedish universities attach great importance to students' professional input. The contrasting teaching system in Taiwan, each student would only undertake one class throughout a period. One class constructed with 2-3 classes per week which divided into two parts: Lecture (course) and Seminar (discussion class). The remaining times are given to students to freely arrange their study plan. The Swedes are exceedingly responsible in their field which the majority perform an active participation attitude during the discussion class, asking questions and even challenging professors with prepared arguments. In the first month of the semester, I encountered difficulty coping with the system. It appeared odd to me having only two days on campus, and to be held accountable for organizing a study plan. Yet, after acclimated to the new environment, I found it more beneficial for students to have enough time digesting the content of the course rather than spending more time in classrooms. Students can internalize the reading materials and transform them into their ideas. Sharing the notions with classmates can improve the bad habits of students forgetting the content immediately after the exam. After all, opinions people established are not easy to forget. I took three sociology-related courses at Stockholm University, and it was profoundly memorable. We discussed gender equality, feminism, and globalization issues. My favorite course named “Globalization and new strategies for economic development in Latin America”. The course focuses on major economic and social issues in Latin America during the 1990s. The neo-liberal paradigm is analyzed about the globalization process, poverty, urbanization, inequality, and changes in the supply/demand international structure. New challenges and opportunities of the globalization process in the continent are discussed. Requiring robust determination and great efforts, it’s the most demanding course I have ever participated. I had to submit a report every two days with more than two hundred pages of reading assignment. There was a time I felt useless and lost of learning motivation. Yet, I conquest myself in fear, and my improvement afterward is rewarding. (334字)




Stockholm University, situated in Sweden’s capital city “Stockholm”. Surrounding by an impeccable mass transit system that allows you to reach any parts of the city within 30 minutes. I stay in a dormitory 5 minutes away from the campus called “ Lappis”. Lappis accommodates students from different universities in Stockholm, most of them are international students. In this apartment complex, there’s a free-charge laundry room, bus station, grocery store, and a small park. Each corridor has a shared kitchen with 5-6 corridor mates; Lappis provide a single-bedroom with a bathroom inside. Living in Sweden is costly, all the daily expenses are three times higher in price comparing to Taiwan. Thence, it is crucial to managing three meals by yourself to reduce the budget. It is accessible to buy all the needed ingredients in Stockholm, like a grocery store, traditional market or even the Asian market are all within reachable distance. Withal, I would highly recommend students bring an electric pot on the journey; it would assist you to make a perfect Taiwanese cuisine dish. The most torturing thing to adapt to Sweden is the weather. In the winter, the whole nation is covered with endless snow and eternal darkness. When I woke up in the morning, the sun hadn’t dawned; when I ate my lunch, the sun started dimming. There’s a noted term in Sweden named “winter depression”, representing how winter disturbs the whole nation. To fight the notorious weather, I prepared a professional winter jacket and it’s the best decision that I’ve ever made, it literally saved my life. Stockholm is not only cold but windy. Thus, it’s recommended to wear a thick down jacket with a raincoat outside. (284字)




I honestly didn’t experience much of hardships while my stay in Stockholm. It’s not that I’m resourceful or good at adapting a new environment, the key factor to my pleasant studying-abroad memory is “friends”. We travel together; cook meals together; study together; drink together; do shopping together. We’re all international students therefore we shared frustration. This supportive energy helped me went through every little downtime. Walking out of your comfort zone and investing more effort into socializing with classmates is imperative. One thing I wanna mention here, though, concerning Swedes’ individualism. I disagree with the statement of accusing Swedes of being indifferent or cold; I actually found them rather friendly. Yet, they do have a distinct way of getting along with friends. According to my Swedish friends, they don’t hang out too much outside of the school and rarely talk about private worries. For a larger portion of days, they spend time alone. To understand the reason behind it, I watched a documentary named “ the Swedish theory of love”. It highlights the importance of “individualism” in Swedish society; all the relationships shall be free from binding. Taking care of “yourself” is the only responsibility one should take as a qualified citizen. Perhaps it’s my Asian cultural background, I do not value individualism ideologies on the relation. I accept and love family binding as well as friendship interconnection; social binding serves as a great support for me. However, even though I don’t find the ideologies suitable for me, I’ve never disrespect their culture or refuse to learn about it. I think it’s crucial to be aware that mutual respect is the key to reducing discrimination. (283字)


It’s pivotal to choose wisely; depending on your goal, the decision should be thoroughly pondered. Different countries and universities would determine how this one year would shape. Firstly you ought to figure out the aim of studying abroad, then according to this objection, you analyze the compatibility of each option. I would highly encourage junior students to ask detailed questions from their seniors before making the decision. Selecting a final destination concerns your learning motivation, a reckless settlement might be counterproductive. I wanna highlight the experience of being an exchange student. Applying the program allows you to have more alternatives apart from the offered list. Also, it allows you to embark on an alone adventure without an echo chamber. If I went to Sweden with Taiwanese peers, I might not challenge myself to walk out of my comfort zone or develop friendships with other international students. Thus, I think being the only represented student of Tamkang University in Sweden, engendered positive motivation that pushed me going forward. I would highly recommend junior students to consider applying for the program. Local engagement is a great source of learning. Reviewing distinct cultural traditions helps you reflecting on your own, then develop your ideas and preference. This is not asking you to abandon Taiwanese value, but to base your study on empirical involvements. Through social interaction, communication, or language learning, gradually you would be able to tell the difference and similarities between the two nations. I always find this part of the experience interesting. My suggestion would be to open your heart, establish a strong social connection; then, try to live like a local. (272字)




照片說明:orientation day
【照片說明:orientation day】
點閱次數:165資料更新時間:05月05日 17:42
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