
2019 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光B 406867084  藍鈺齊  留學學校:加州州立大學長堤分校


I chose the University of California State as my exchange school which is located in Long Beach. I started my abroad life from 6 August 2019 to 15 May 2020. In my first semester, I studied in American Language Institute to learn some basic English knowledge. In the second semester, I successfully joined to the academic classes. I can chose any class that I want. So I Chose Japanese, Spanish and Hip-Hop dance.(69字)


To be honest, I really miss those days in American Language institute. The teachers there were very funny and professional. They were trying their best to helping you. The time was from 9am to 3pm. Although is very tired and have a lot of homework, I still quite enjoyed it. Your efforts will eventually pay off. (56字)






For suggestion, first, if you guys plan to buy a car please buy SUV. America is a very very big country so the distance between two places is very far and there are constructions every where. The freeway and roads are very bumpy. SUV would be more comfortable to have a road trip. Besides, if you have a car you can hanging out with your new friends together. Although buying a car is not quite difficult in America, but remember to chose a better condition car otherwise you have to pay a lot of money to fix it. Second, Do NOT bring too much stuff to America, believe me, you can buy everything there and you WILL buy a lot of things especially in Black Friday and in April and May. Just in case you won't overload your luggage so please listen to mine suggestion.(145字)




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