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2019大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光B 406867209  陳梓倢  留學學校:天普大學


Temple University is in Philadelphia, I stayed there for 8 months.(10字)


照片說明:Halloween with the teacher

【照片說明:Halloween with the teacher】

I studied intensive language program at Temple University, and the class in which I am impressed is STEM class because I like math and science so much. Learning math and science let me feel sense of accomplishment, if someone can not understand it or have questions that I can teach them and use my way to let them know, sometimes I can find out the easier way than teachers taught or information from books. In addition, I can learn a lot of new things and somethings I have never known from the class, also there are so many new vocabularies from articles for me, and I can learn. It is so improve my English a lot. Moreover to the above points, the teacher who is young and pretty is my favorite in the school, she always be kind and passion to teach. She has never be angry and impatient when the students ask so many questions. She is pleasure to discuss with us and have some cute ideas. I am so missing her now, so if you are in the IELP of Temple, I recommend strongly for you to choose this class.(192字)


照片說明:old city

【照片說明:old city】

Temple is in the North of Philly, but not too far from the city hall. Transportation is so convenient, so it is easy to go anywhere like Penn’s Landing which is a waterfront area of Center City along the Delaware River. There are a lot of scenic spots that you can visit and travel in Philly. Philadelphia is the middle of NewYork and DC, if these two places you want to go not only few times and you like old buildings and history, you can choose here. Philly also was the capital in the United State before, so you can feel different atmosphere in here. Around the school, there are pharmacy and market of 24 hours, two gyms and swimming pool in the school are free. AMC theater just near by the school, it is not too expensive, if you feel expensive, you can choose the theater in Temple just for 2 or 3 dollars. Otherwise I paid 599 US dollars for my accommodation per month which is a students apartment. The weather is so cold in the winter, so you need to buy some thick jacket in there.(186字)


照片說明:New York for new years

【照片說明:New York for new years 】

This is my first time to go so far away country for me, and I has never imagined that I will go to The United States. My dream country is The United Kingdom, I know that you feel confused why I didn’t choose the Europe and finally went to the United States. The reason is that I will maybe to travel around in the Europe for few months in the future, but I can not find any reason to go to the United States. If studying there is my only reason, why should I not to choose there? When my parents pick me up to the airport, I was crying and felt nervous. The first reason is to be separated from my families and I will miss them so much, the other reason is that I afraid to be killed in the US. I took my nervous heart and a little excitement to there on the airplane. Actually, I felt so good and did not encountered too much culture shock when I was be there, instead, I like their culture and life. The people are kind and hospitable to me.(191字)


Just go where you want to go and you like. Following your mind and heart, then enjoy any feelings and fresh things. Sometimes you can do crazy things in life because our life just only one time, right? Don't forget to travel to other cities and countries during the holidays. I am glad I went traveling to a lot of places in each holiday or free time, if I did not do this, then I will be very sad and regret because no one anticipated to encounter the coronavirus this year, many people returned to Taiwan earlier. Actually, I did not want to go back to Taiwan so early lol, I also want to travel to the South of America, but it is fine, I am satisfied to have been to many places.(133字)




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