
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 408820115  吳樺茜  留學學校:懷卡特大學(紐西蘭)


I choose university of Waikato for my study abroad. University of Waikato is in new Zealand and Hamilton city. I started online classes in July last year. Because the epidemic eased and the campus reopened, I could go to New Zealand to continue my studies. So I went to NZ at October. In addition to 3 months of language courses in Taiwan, I took another level of language courses in New Zealand, as well as one semester of formal courses. I studied Accounting, Digital business and supply Chain management, and Finance. (90字)


照片說明:Accounting lecture

【照片說明:Accounting lecture】

My favorite course is Accounting. Because it has practical parts, we use the NZ accounting system and pretend we have opened a company with some fake information. The professor teaches students step by step how to record accounting information. Although what we learn is about New Zealand regulations, it does not prevent me from understanding how accounting works, because the concepts are the same. In the future, if I need to take accounting exams in Taiwan, I think I am able to prepare quickly. There are several quizs and three major exams in this course. Before each exam, there are reference questions provided for students to study and review. As long as you prepare well, the grades will not be too low. Also, every week's workshops has exercises and explanations. The teaching assistant will explain in detail the solution to each question. Like how to record and calculate these information in the accounting forms. The teacher's name is Hannah Li, she is from China. I can understand the teacher's accent and speech speed. The teacher is very enthusiastic about helping students. Of you have any problems about accounting , she will patiently explain and answer questions. She is very friendly and responsible. The teacher has a candy box for students. It is free to eat. However, if you want to broaden your horizons, I highly recommend Digital Business and Supply Chain Management. Because the course discusses many new digital technologies in class, it also discuss how to apply them to the supply chain. Workshops and tutorials will discuss the impact and issues of these technologies, and provide some solutions. It is a very brainstorming course. This course let me to learn about many new technologies and new concepts that I didn't know before. The course has two teachers, one teaches digital technology, the other teaches supply chain management. There are many case studies provide each week before class. Students need to prepare in advance. Each teacher will have one individual task in class, students need to combine the course content and case studies to answer questions. In summary, as long as you keep up with the teachers' pace and thoroughly read all the information you get, you will basically pass the course.(371字)


照片說明:orchard park

【照片說明:orchard park】

The University of Waikato campus is very large. They provide many types of accommodation. Most types are single room. I have lived in Student Village and Orchard Park. Student Village is closer to classrooms, student squares, and accommodation offices. Students living in student village have two options: cooking their own meals and maintaining a clean environment, or dining at the restaurant in student village and staff would keep the environment. There are some stores and restaurants nearby student village, like Warehouse and Four Square. Need to walk about a 10-minute. There is also bus line O nearby It would pass places like farmers markets, shopping mall, night markets, and supermarkets. Orchard Park is other type of student accommodation. Compared with Student Village, it is more remote. The houses are wooden houses with heating and air condition. Four people share one wooden house. All students need to maintain an environment and be responsible for own meals. There are Inspections every two week. You need to clean environment and check all items in sheets to make sure you pass the inspection. Orchard Park has a cat, his name is OP. He often visits the houses to get some food. Near Orchard Park are a few restaurants and supermarkets, one of which sells Taiwanese cuisine Though I really can't taste the Taiwanese flavor. In addition, there are Buses 2 and 17 near Orchard Park which can reach downtown. Bus 13 on campus also reaches downtown. Near the bus 13 stops are the Student Center and Library. International students must know the location of the Student Center. You can get a lot of help and information, including paying tuition, buying bus cards, course selection, visas, etc. To get from Orchard Park to Student Square, you must pass through the Library; otherwise, you have to walk for a long time. The food in New Zealand is very diverse because it is an new and immigrant country. You can eat all kinds of cuisines here. Downtown near the Waikato Museum has many restaurants of different flavors. It is worth visiting. In terms of climate, from my observation, it is more changeable than Taiwan. It often rains heavily and then becomes sunny And it has a large temperature difference between morning and evening. In terms of prices, it is more expensive than Taiwan. Everything has 15% GST. A meal in a restaurant costs at least NZ$20-25. This price can buy a piece of clothing in a clothing store. Although there are many buses near the University, it takes 10-20 minutes to walk in most stops. If you need to go on shopping for living resources, it is recommended to have a car because most buses in New Zealand depart every hour, just like Yilan. If you buy too many things, you not only have to wait a long time for the bus but will also walk very hard. Additionally, most payments in New Zealand are by card. They are rarely use cash.(491字)


照片說明:It was too late to go back and there was almost no bus

【照片說明:It was too late to go back and there was almost no bus】

The biggest challenge for me is language because English is not my native language. In Taiwan, I only used English for class presentations, so communication in English is extremely challenging for me. The English challenge starts from the moment I get off the plane. I have to communicate with customs and find the driver who can take me to campus. Additionally, I had to go through the check-in process at the dorm, go shopping at the supermarket, order food at restaurants, and open a bank account. Throughout this series of challenges, I had to force myself to stay calm, carefully listen to what the other person said, and think what I response. However, the greatest challenge is during formal classes. During the first three months, I took a language course, and the teachers spoke at a slower pace. So I could understand them clearly. But when I attended regular classes, I couldn't keep up with the teachers' speaking speed. Apart from the speed, I also had to overcome the accent issue because my teachers and classmates come from different countries. I didn't intentionally overcome these issues. I think if I didn't understand other people said, just ask and and let someone speak slowly. But this process need in the polite way. In terms of class, I can understand most of it. Moreover, the teachers record the lectures, so if I have trouble understanding, I can watch the videos later or just ask questions. I experienced quite a bit of discomfort here, I adapt for few week. Compared to life in Taiwan, most stores and bus services close early, so it's important not to stay outdoors too late without a car; otherwise, it becomes difficult to return at night. The restaurant prices here are higher than in Taiwan. Initially, it was a bit hard for me to buy. But after few week, I got used to it because the food I cook taste flavorless. But the end of few months, I became lazy and didn't want to go out to buy food, so I tried to enhance my cooking skills.(349字)


Before going abroad, I think there are two essential things that need to be solve. First is figuring out how to have internet on your phone, and second is solve payment problems. Achieving these two things can solve many issues. In New Zealand, some banks would consider the duration of your visa to decide whether to open an account for you. Another reason is that in New Zealand, the population is spread out, and if your phone doesn't have internet, it's basically like being disconnected. In my opinion, if you don't have the pressure of credits while studying abroad, it's better not to take too many courses. Each paper, besides lectures, also has tutorials, workshops, labs, and other classes. Taking too many courses may bring a lot of stress and leave no leisure time for traveling. Additionally, regarding language, if you can't keep up with native speakers, you can choose non-native speakers as your teachers. Their speaking speed is usually slower compared to native speakers. If you have concerns about accents, you can select teachers from mainland China. Based on my observation, I am more familiar with their speaking speed and accent. Moreover, unless you have a enormous interest in understanding New Zealand policy, you can choose courses related to policy. That's because you might need to spend a significant amount of time researching New Zealand's policies,systems and history. I believe studying abroad is about broadening your horizons, and school courses are only a small part of it. So, if possible, spend more time on traveling, exploring the local culture, visiting local markets, and planning your own travel guide. I think that's the true essence of studying abroad.(279字)


I think NZ is good place to travel. If you like to close nature, you must visit NZ. And there are many places to visit, such as Hamilton garden, Raglan and so on.(33字)


照片說明:Raglan beaches
【照片說明:Raglan beaches】
照片說明:Hamilton garden
【照片說明:Hamilton garden】
點閱次數:168資料更新時間:03月10日 17:45
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