
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
資工 408840014  曾芊瑜  留學學校:維諾納州立大學


I was been studied in Winona State University in these few months, which placed at Winona, Minnesota State in America. From August to December in 2022, I took a few courses, they were ESL Academic Reading and Writing II, Introduction to Higher Education, Exploring Creative Computing, Nutrition for Lifetime Wellness, Contemporary Activities Pilates, and Creative Digital Media Storytelling. From January to May, I took some courses as well, they were How Things Work: The World through a Chemical Lens, World Regional Geography, Crime & Justice in America, and Elementary Spanish I.(89字)


照片說明:The drink that made by the professor during the class.

【照片說明:The drink that made by the professor during the class.】

My favorite class was Nutrition for Lifetime Wellness. I was interested in nutrition, so I took a class about it, even if it's not related with computer science. The reason why I was interested in nutrition was it's getting popular to eat healthy and fitting body to make better life. So, I thought that if I can learn more knowledge about nutrition, I can make my body getting better, taking care for my family, maybe it will be useful in the future for me. After the first class, I felt so upset, almost liked breaking me down. Because the professor spoke so fast, the tempo was really quick as well. I didn't know what her said, I couldn't understand anything. When I backed to home, I started research the website, I started can understand what's going on, that made me could follow the class. Even some of those contains were I have been learned in high school, but I didn't know them in English. Also, I learned more detail than I learned before in this course, like how to eat healthier in our diet, how to get nutrition in balance, and so on. Meanwhile, through the lecture I understood the diet culture of American, it's totally different with Taiwanese. American used to have raw vegetable with high calories and sugar in their diets. In addition, in every week, we also have one hour in laboratory to do some experiences. Those experiences were related to the lecture that we have at that week. So, it was effective us more realized the content. The most impressive experience was that the professor used some simple original ingredients to make a healthier energy drink, just like the energy drink Gatorate which was a common drink in United State. It tasted really like original version drink that every student liked it so much.(308字)


照片說明:The school scenery after snowing.

【照片說明:The school scenery after snowing.】

About our school campus, it’s not too big, but it’s not small as well. There were three floors of our library. It was a large open space of the first floor, it divided to a lot of small space that students could study there. Also, there were few spaces for students gathered to have discussions, or there were some conference rooms that students used to stay. The second floor and third floor were the main spaces for students to study, so they were quieter than first floor. There were many single spaces for study, and a lot of meeting room that people could do their projects. I was surprised that first time I went into the library, it was the largest library I have saw I a school campus. Also, the equipment all good to use, and the atmosphere in library was good than those I have been saw in Taiwan, there were always so many students at here. We lived off campus, it's about ten minutes to walk to campus. In front of our house was the bridge to Wisconsin State. We stayed here from August to May, from the and of summer to spring, there’s no fall at there. The weather of summer was pretty comfortable, it’s sunny but not too hot, the scenery was very beautiful at everywhere. In winter, there would snow for about six months, from October to April. When it snowed heavily, the snow would be accumulated to about thirty centimeters. It’s hard to walk outside; the temperature also really low, the lowest temperature that I have been stay was minus twenty-one. (273字)


照片說明:When we were traveling in Los Angels, we rented a car to be our tool for commuting. Experienced the

【照片說明:When we were traveling in Los Angels, we rented a car to be our tool for commuting. Experienced the 】

Even though I knew there were different culture between America and Taiwan, but I still have been shocked with the different when I lived in there. First thing was about traffic, divers always need to yield pedestrians. In Taiwan, we used to let cars gone, then crossed the street. But in United State, drivers always started slowing down when they saw there’s someone going to cross the road from far away. And stopped at the stop line to let people walked through, then drove away. Even if the diver almost drove to the intersection, then noticed that someone was going to cross the road, the driver would brake immediately to let pedestrian go. This situation made me feel unfamiliarly even though I have been stayed there for two months. It won’t be happened in Taiwan, but I hoped we can imitate them to formulate a law. Not only good for pedestrians, but also benefit for the whole society. I was familiar with that kind of traffic mode, so now, I’m back in Taiwan, I felt so weird when drivers didn’t yield me before I crossed the street. Second thing that I felt shocked was about in class. In the first class that I took, our after-class time was fifty. When it’s already over forty-five, the professor still in class taught the lecture, and I was making my notes. Suddenly, I heard some noise from every direction, then I looked up around the classroom, I found there were a lot of students were packing their stuffs; even some of them were already packed well, and put them on their shoulders, looks like they were ready to leave the classroom. At that time, I was stunned, thinking that the professor still talking, how dare they were to do like this. After few classes like this, I started realized that they used to do that, because of it will never happened in Taiwan. We used to pack our stuffs after the teacher said the class was ended to here, or we would get blame. (346字)


Before I went to Untied State, I felt so nervous, although I knew I could have a different live at another country. It means I have to drop off my comfortable zone to have an unknown live, it’s like I was excited and afraid at the same time. But during these months living aboard, I thought living aboard it’s a decision that I won’t regret to do it. There’s no too much chances can talk to foreigners, not mention to have a friend from other countries. So, this is a nice chance to practice it, don’t be afraid that your English skill not good, people still loved to talk to you, be friend with you. Before I went to there, I only have been known Nepal on my textbook, I have no idea about this country. But I got few friends from Nepal in the school, I got some information about it. When you go outside by yourself, you will find there are different with your thought. Even though you have been known a lot of information by yourself, but there are many things that you still even know, then you will know after you have been experienced them. The best way to understand them is going on a trip. In these months, I have been to California and New York; even I travel alone in New York. It’s quite scared being alone in this kind of big city at the first time, but the rest of days, I felt so happiness. Not only I can go anywhere I wanted in free, but also can find some new things that I didn’t know. After this journey, I found I became different, I have grown a lot. It would be the best reward. (299字)


During I studied in Winona State University, I have been worked in the cafeteria about six months. It's a special experience for me. Most of working time, I was serving people for their dinner or brunch, like serving foods to their dishes, making pizzas, making sandwiches for them, making custom omelette, and serving ice cream to them. Sometimes, I would do the tables and dishes. Those works that I never done before in Taiwan. It's a little bit tired and annoying during the working time, but I loved this work very much. Not only could interact with lots of people, but also let me knew what I want to do in the future.(113字)


照片說明:This our cafeteria.
【照片說明:This our cafeteria.】
照片說明:Minnesota is a beautiful place, everywhere all nice.
【照片說明:Minnesota is a beautiful place, everywhere all nice.】
點閱次數:160資料更新時間:03月10日 17:41
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