
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
英文 407810117  邱子容  留學學校:牛津布魯克斯大學(英國)


Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. From 2022 September to 2024 May. I took courses on business, English and education.(16字)


照片說明:This is the forum, where people gathered to grab a bite and to collaborate on school work.

【照片說明:This is the forum, where people gathered to grab a bite and to collaborate on school work. 】

My preferred course is Early Years Development and Education, where we delve into the foundational principles of behavioral psychology, like Piaget. My passion for education, particularly concerning children, has been longstanding, and this course intensifies that ardor. Our professor gave each lecture with contagious enthusiasm, immersing us in the realms of cognitive and behavioral development. In the final protect, we had to craft a paper centered on observing children's behavior meticulously. Through analyzing video footage frame by frame, we unearthed intriguing research avenues. For instance, we contemplated whether color preferences in children are societal constructs or innate predilections. Observing girls gravitating towards pink and purple attire spurred questions: is this a product of social influence or an inherent inclination? Another compelling inquiry explored in my paper is whether children suppress genuine emotions to spare others' feelings. In one instance, children sampled deliberately sour lemonade concocted by their teacher. Despite evident distaste, some speak positively about the lemonade, although their facial expression says otherwise. Might that be the case of compassion? Doing this paper not only satisfied my curiosity but also catalyzed a burgeoning interest in psychology. It prompted me to chart a trajectory towards further education in this field. The process of scrutinizing children's behavior, juxtaposed against theoretical frameworks, fostered a deeper understanding of human development. This course not only enriched my academic journey but also invigorated my aspirations to contribute meaningfully to the field of psychology. Early Years Development and Education is more than just a course for me, it's a transformative journey into the intricacies of childhood development. Through passionate instruction and hands-on exploration, it ignites intellectual curiosity and propels students towards impactful academic pursuits.(277字)


照片說明:Outdoor siting area in Parade Green

【照片說明:Outdoor siting area in Parade Green】

The student residence I'm staying in is Parade Green. It is about 10 minutes bus ride to school. It is usually very crowded. We can also get to the city centre directly by taking U5. There are a lot of facilities we can use, a gym with running machines, weight training, a rooftop terrace, table tennis, a movie there and a lot of outside sitting areas. There is so much to do when it's raining out, and if the weather is nice, it is also great to sit outside. The closest supermarket is Aldi, which is a 5-minute walk away. It is not a big one but you can find all the things you need there. Across from Aldi, there is a coffee shop, Costa, which is the closest coffee you can get. They have Christmas and Easter edition drinks. it might not be the tastiest, but it is cute looking. In Parade Green, we have 24-hour security, so we don’t have to worry about our mails and delivery. When we encounter some emergency we can always find help. For example key loss and water situation. There was a time when we suddenly didn’t have water, the staff at the front desk hand out bottled water for us to drink very late at night, that is very thoughtful! Thank them so much for their consideration. We share a kitchen with 8 people so it is not enough space for everyone if we all want to cook at the same time. (250字)


照片說明:Outing with friends in Paris

【照片說明:Outing with friends in Paris】

I do not encounter many difficulties in school. But I do find working as a group very difficult, just like the same situation in Taiwan. Not everyone in the group is willing to give in as much effort as you do, some don’t even care about the resulting outcome. I find it difficult to communicate and work with them. I learned is at the very beginning of the work, we have to set up a framework and responsibility distribution and mini goals with deadlines. By doing this, everyone knows what to do, and when to do it. So there is no panicking on no one is doing what they are supposed to. If the person decides they are not participating, then that’s on them. I believe it is not the students' job to persuade others to do well in class, everyone thinks differently and we just have to accept everyone's thinking and behave differently. As to personal growth, I find talking to people really helps. Talking to people with different backgrounds and experiences gives you some insight and knowledge that you won't get just by thinking by yourself. Differences make us special, and differences allow us to find things to grow into. For example, when you have a friend who does charity to the elderlies every week, you get inspired by her actions and make you want to do the same. And by doing that, you become more and better than you were before. There is always something to learn from others. (254字)


If I were to give some advice, it is to be out there, meet people and travel more. Make as many memories as possible, good or bad. Don't limit yourself, don’t put yourself in a box or label yourself. Something you think you don’t want to do might be just because you have not experienced it, the information you get is second-hand from others. Why experience it through others when you have the opportunity to experience yourself first-hand? This is a year to experience, to make memories and to realize what you are and what you want to be. Being away from home allows us to take a different perspective on things, think about what is the dearest for us, make a plan and go for it. As to schoolwork, I felt very rewarded when completing an essay, paper or presentation. Choose the course you are interested in, read the material you are assigned and fully immerse in the topic, I never thought reading academic journals could be so fun. Schoolwork might not be the most important, but it is a way to open up to you in an intellectual way, make you curious about something you care about, and find your passion for life and where you want to stand in the world. I think this is the purpose of higher education, to be a better person holistically. This year is a great experience to self-discovery, because there is not much to worry about, we have the time to enjoy and further reflect. I hope everyone who has the chance to do the exchange year and be themselves freely, fulfill their minds, and hearts. Best wishes to all. (281字)




照片說明:My favorite place in Oxford, Port meadow.
【照片說明:My favorite place in Oxford, Port meadow.】
點閱次數:217資料更新時間:03月10日 14:12
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