
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
英文 409810081  蔡佩芝   留學學校:舊金山州立大學


The experience at San Francisco State University(SFSU) was definitely the best year I've had in my life so far. I got to explore the city of my dreams and met so many influential people. To be honest, the time there will never be enough for me. As an English major, I must say I really enjoyed the courses and the professors there. Not only did they teach a lot of academic knowledge, but they also ensured that everyone was able to follow and made the atmosphere joyful. Besides the curriculum life, the campus holds tons of events as well: skating, movie nights, and even a bouncy castle. Aside from the various lives at SFSU, I spent much time getting to know San Francisco from the locals' perspective. (128字)


照片說明:discussion in class

【照片說明:discussion in class】

Fortunately, the professors I encountered were all nice and passionate about teaching. Among them, I'd say that Professor Teresa Prrat was the one that struck my mind the most often. She begins every class with a group small talk to catch up with everyone's life; even with our emotional status. She always makes sure if anyone has fallen behind, or if the work she assigns is too much to complete. She is inspiring in both her field and attitude toward balancing daily life and study. I loved her teaching style so much that I chose her courses for both semesters. Professor Prrat is a professional in language studies, which I didn't have a choice on the Lanyang campus before. I learned a lot from her and my peers for sure, we even did some research on our voices and the structure of our throats for a project. One of the important parts of her classes is the group discussion time, which I enjoyed a lot, too. For extra information, SFSU is a school that is full of students from all over the world. So basically, we have perspectives at least from three cultures in each group. It's quite absorbing to have various thoughts and personal experiences on each topic, particularly when Asia versus the States. In my opinion, Professor Prrat is the best choice for stepping out of my comfort zone. It gave me countless chances to practice my speaking ability, and I didn't feel awkward since there were also many exchange students like me. The atmosphere of the classes was extremely friendly, everyone was patient to hear each other's ideas. Moreover, the assignments came in sorts of forms, and they sure did make me suffer and thrive at the same time. (292字)


照片說明:daily life at SFSU

【照片說明:daily life at SFSU】

San Francisco is a place you're hard to tell if you like it or not. For me, I undoubtedly appreciated the time I spent there, but some of my friends, from the locals to international students, have different answers. The weather is pretty much similar to Taiwan, it rains the most compared with other parts of California. Sometimes it annoys me when the rain comes with the crazy wind, while sometimes the sun shines so perfectly that I'd rather lie on the grass all day long. Mark Twain said the coldest winter he had been through was the summer in San Francisco, that's because it doesn't actually have seasons throughout the year but in one day. On the other hand, people wear T-shirts with fluffy jackets. Growing up watching series and movies from the US, I already had high expectations about SF before I got there. And it turned out just like how I imagined! Of course, it became messier, more expensive, and even more dangerous from the bad side. Call me a blind lover because I still love it. There are lunatics on the streets, but there are also kind people praising you from their hearts out of nowhere. Every place has good and bad parts, it all depends on how you see and experience it. Since SF is a walkable city like NYC, you don't have to own a car to live conveniently. With MUNI(the MRT system there), you could go to almost any traveling spot around it, such as Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown, Alcatraz, etc. What's more, being a city of immigration, you could find almost every type of food. After all, Asian supermarkets will solve what you're craving. To sum up, I'd say San Francisco is a place for people who are open and willing to try new things. People who see the worst in things will never find a percent place to live. (321字)


To be honest, I was privileged enough to be able to go with my other two classmates. Most of the time, I didn't have to deal with problems by myself. Without their accompany, it's hard to imagine what the journey would have gone. We also found a nice Taiwanese landlord, who helped us a lot from the day we arrived till the end. Although having acquaintances around can be calm, I strongly suggest knowing as many people and exploring as many places as you can. Don't stick with the same ones all the time. It's a waste of a chance to improve yourself, gain dependency, and step out of your comfort zone. As I mentioned above, San Francisco is a city filled with ethnicity. People already get used to different cultural backgrounds and accents. They also seem more at ease and chill most of the time, furthermore, they don't have the negative energy to judge others. I love how people would lie on the grass, compliment others randomly, and have small talks with strangers everywhere. Maybe it's me being hopelessly optimistic, I just couldn't get why people hated here. All the cultural, artistic, and free vibes. Despite the homeless people though, they unquestionably ruin the city. Be aware of people who can't walk straight, don't look directly into their eyes. Nothing is more worthy than your life. (227字)


I think SFSU is made for exchange students, it embraces all kinds of people. Not only the students but the professors are from all over the world. And if you are excited about everything, can't bear boredom, and feel comfortable going out alone like me, I assure you San Francisco is a choice worth considering indeed. Living in a big city, the benefits of it are too many to list. Without a doubt, going abroad is challenging, but it's an opportunity to know what you're capable of at the same time. Cherish the chance and make the most value out of it. You could be so much ahead of your friends during this year. Don't feel pity if you're already on to the next chapter. Some people came back loving Taiwan more, some people found their second home. (138字)




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