
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 409820106  蕭睿廷   留學學校:居禮夫人大學(波蘭)


UNIWERSYTET MARII CURIE-SKLODOWSKIEJ (UMCS) POLAND LUBLIN 2022/9/22-2023/7/12 In this university I am study in the Political Science and Journalism。 蕭睿廷 (19字)




My favorite class should be introduction to international relation. I like this class because I like the professor's teaching method, he will let the students discuss in a guiding way. Then the professor imparts what he wants to teach in the course of this discussion. In this class, the professor did not prepare any power point, so it is a opportunity to test your English listening ability and if you have studied hard in Tamkang for two years. All in all, if you want to test whether your strength has improved in the past two years. You can take this class. As for the teacher, I quite like a professor named Jakub Olchowski. Because he is the most strict professor among the professors I have studied here for nearly a year. Because this professor is probably the only one here who will ask students not to read when you are doing the presentation. The other professors didn't care about it, so I was very impressed with this professor. This professor's teaching mode is the closest to our GPE in my opinion. Therefore, recommand for other students if you don't know which class to chose, you can find his name and chose his class to study. I recommend a class called Diplomacy and Global Governance. This class teaches many different diplomatic models, which is quite interesting, also you will learn that in the Europe Union how they connect to the world with using the diplomacy. Therefore, I think it is a quite interest class. I recommend to you guys. For the students that wants to chose UMCS to study abroad. You don't need to to worry about the accent of the professor that you cannot understand. Because for me that I stay here for almost one year, I think that all of the professor's speaking I can understand. Therefore, relax, don't worry. If you have some problem, you can write an email to them or just talk to them. They will help you. The professor's here are very nice. (338字)


照片說明:Dormitory (outside)

【照片說明:Dormitory (outside)】

Let’s start with the department first, because the department I studied in seems to have just been rebuilt in the past few years, so there are quite a lot of things that are quite new. Therefore, the whole department gives me the feeling that it is very clean and comfortable. However, there sometimes will have a technical problem of the internet, so if you are going to have a presentation, remember to put your powerpoint not only in gmail but also the USB. Because some of the professor will not give you a second chance to do the presentation. I live in the dormitory provided by the school called Femina. This dormitory is nice to live in. There are one room inside have another two rooms, one kitchen, one bathroom, one toilet, and a washing machine. Four people live together. The only disadvantage is that there is only one toilet. I don’t know why some foreigners can go to the toilet for an hour. I really cannot stand for it. The dormitory is about 10-15 minutes away from the place where the class is going to be. With the climate of Poland, you will definitely feel the spring and autumn here. In winter, it is really quite cold. Although summer has not yet arrived when I write this tips, according to my feelings in spring when the sun is always high in the sky, summer should be quite hot, but it cannot be compared with Taiwan. Most of the time I eat here I cook with roommates or just myself. For the clothes, it is recommended to wear thin long-sleeved clothes and thick long-sleeved clothes. Most of the time in Lublin is on foot.(286字)


照片說明:(L) Post office,(R) convenience store

【照片說明:(L) Post office,(R) convenience store】

When I first came to the dormitory, the person who contact to me could not speak English. I am very surprise because in this university, there are many foreign students from different countries, and the administrators in the dormitory can't speak English, it makes me a little scared about the future. The final solution was to use Google Translate to complete the check-in procedures.But after thinking about it, I wonder if other foreign students will encounter the same situation when they come to Taiwan to study. Maybe someone can tell me if they have a same problem for me. I remember that when I first arrived in the dormitory, I was too tired when I first arrived, so I just bought a food that looked like dumplings and bought it back to eat. As a result, I almost vomited at the first bite because it tasted like chewing a ball of dough. Inside the dumplings basically has no meat, it is unpalatable enough, but because of survival, I still finished it, at that time I suddenly felt homesick, and want to eat the real dumplings. After coming here to take classes, I was shocked to find that many student reports were read from manuscripts or just read the contents of the powerpoints. This is completely different from what I learned in Tamkang. Therefore, it make me very surprise. Also, it make me very proud that the skill of the making the ppt and the skill of the presentation we are stronger than other students.(255字)


Rest assured, no matter what, you all have seniors who can ask. Unlike our previous two sessions, which were affected by the COVID-19, none of them went abroad. As a result, we have no one to ask, and everything depends on ourselves. The students, who decide to study abroad to Poland, I suggest you to learn some easy polish, for example that hello, dzien dobry, you must to know about it. Also, don't choose the Polish course in Poland. It is waste your time. When you come to the Poland you will find out that there are very less of the people can speak English to you. Therefore, if you want to make your English to become better, don't chose Poland, chose United Kindom or United States will be better. To Packing, I will suggest don't put your heavy jacket into your suitcase. you can just buy it in Poland. After when you finish your semester. The heavy jacket can throw it. Because in Taiwan nowadays, you won't need to wear that heavy. After going abroad, especially those who choose to go abroad in their junior year and choose to go to European countries, it is recommended to go to one or two European countries to play during the holidays. It will be helpful for you to learn more and see more of the outside world. So for the students who will going to study abroad in junior year, don’t worry, enjoy your trip abroad in your junior year, have fun.(252字)


It is recommended that all students remember to bring a router when packing their luggage, which will be used in the dormitory. (22字)


點閱次數:232資料更新時間:03月10日 17:49
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