
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 409820114  邱佳榆   留學學校:舊金山州立大學


San Francisco State University City: San Francisco Study abroad period: Aug 13, 2022 - Jul 01, 2023 I took courses related to business, including management and innovation. The school also offered free activities and courses to participate in. The course content was mainly group discussions, assignments, and presentations. The feeling was different from Taiwan because the teachers mainly let us discuss with each other and inspire our creativity. Although there were also exams, the main focus was on encouraging students to discuss and raise their hands to ask questions. The course difficulty was moderate. (90字)




My favorite course was Introduction of Entrepreneurship! This course is very interesting. At the beginning of the class, everyone will raise their hands to explain the international news that happened this week and discuss it in depth. Then, the teacher will use real case studies to let us study, and the teacher will also let us divide into groups to discuss the topics we want to report. Therefore, I learned not only knowledge but also teamwork from the class. It is a very interesting course. I would recommend this course not only because I am interested in entrepreneurship, but also because the teacher provides a lot of useful materials and let us read them at home before the next class and discuss them in class. When discussing, we will also think deeply and provide a variety of perspectives to analyze a case. Of course, there are also successful or failed cases, and we analyze what affects success and failure. At that time, chaptgpt was just listed, and the teacher directly let us all discuss what chaptgpt is? Why does it affect the global? Even if the company does not want to understand chaptgpt, what will happen? Overall, I think it was very interesting and beneficialto me, so this is my favorite course!(212字)




I live in a dorm with five other people. American houses are very cozy, so I like it! There was a mall nearby, which is very convenient. It takes about three minutes to walk there. The school campus is not very big, but it is still beautiful. I personally like to go to the library. The local climate is about 11-15 degrees Celsius, so you need to wear a thick coat. The fog is also very heavy. As for food, San Francisco has a wide variety of international cuisines, such as Thai, Japanese, Korean, and Peruvian food. There are also many bubble tea shops in the mall next to the dormitory, so the food part is not affected too much. there are many buses in the surrounding area, so it is very convenient. Moreover, SFSU has many small stalls and activities on campus. There is also a gym not far from the school. The gym is two floors high and very large. There are also many courses inside, such as yoga or dance classes. However, you need to purchase a membership to be able to enter the gym to exercise.(190字)


照片說明:Golden Gate Bridge

【照片說明:Golden Gate Bridge】

My life in San Francisco was going well, except that it took me 15 minutes to walk to school every day. However, everything was expensive in San Francisco, so I couldn't buy whatever I want. I was also a little bit disappointed that I couldn't go out at night or to downtown. In terms of cultural shock, I've never seen so many homeless people before, and I've never smelled marijuana before. I'm not used to the smell, so I didn't like it very much. In terms of school work, we usually had group discussions, and sometimes the professors assigned us a lot of homework. Although it was not safe to go out at night, because it wasquite safe to walk around the dormitory area. This was because the area around the school was clean and there are no strange people gathering. (135字)


I would recommend going out and exploring more, not just staying in the dorm and focusing on your studies. The United States is a very large country, so you can go to different states and see what they have to offer. However, San Francisco is a very diverse city, so there are people from all over the world living there. The weather is always mild, so it's not too hot. When I first started approaching to different cultures, I felt a little bit uncomfortable but also very curious. Later, I realized that all these different cultures can open up different topics of conversation! I always try to learn and grow from these experiences. I also shared my Taiwanese culture with foreigners. However, I would like to remind you that the cost of living in San Francisco is very high! If you can, cook your own meals instead of eating out. A meal costs about NT$500-600! Also, you have to give tips, which can be a bit inconvenient. Usually, the tip for dinner is higher than the tip for lunch. Last but not least, I would like to say that although the United States is dangerous, it does not mean that every place is dangerous. There are still many safe places. Thus, it is still important to be brave and explore different places. People in the United States are generally friendly and like to have a small talk. Even if you are not familiar with them, if you take the initiative to chat with them, they will respond to you.(249字)


In addition to staying in San Francisco, I also went to Las Vegas and Arizona. I personally think these two places were very beautiful and very big. The natural wonders were really moving. Going to each city has a different feeling, because the culture, atmosphere, and architecture of each city are very different! Moreover, I would also recommend that you participate in various school activities. Sometimes there is free food!(65字)


照片說明:in Arizona! Mother Nature!
【照片說明:in Arizona! Mother Nature!】
點閱次數:307資料更新時間:03月10日 18:38
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