
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
政經 409820213  王 嬿   留學學校:加州州立大學長堤分校


I was studied at the California State University Long Beach during August 2022 to May 2023. Long Beach is a small city by the beach. It's near Los Angeles. I have take two types of classes at CSULB. First semester I was at American Language Institute (ALI) took classes called Intensive English Program. Then I passed the duolingo test so I got the chance to take formal college courses at CSULB in the second semester.(73字)


照片說明:When we downstairs, there were some dogs came and played with us.

【照片說明:When we downstairs, there were some dogs came and played with us.】

Like I said in the last paragraph, I have two kinds of experience of taking courses at CSULB. Speaking of my favorite class, it would be all the classes in ALI without a doubt. There were a lot of students who were also international students like me, for example there were Japanese students, Mexican students and even Qatar students. It’s easier to make friends for me. At first, I can easily start a conversation with asking their nationalities every time. As much we talked, I can get as more information that I never knew before about their countries, it’s interesting for me. That helps me get several close friends at school. We went to so many places together, like Universal Studio, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Disney Adventure Park and even New York, these are such wonderful memories for me, I’ll never forget them. There was also one of my favorite parts of the class, it was the reading & writing class. Sometimes when the class begins, with the weather was so nice. Our reading teacher Jennifer will ask us if we want to take the class outside the classroom. That might be everyone’s favorite part about the class, I don’t know about them, but it was mine. We took our books and computers downstairs and settled some tables. I can remember the fresh air outside and the sunshine was just right and not too hot. The wind was not too cold, everything was just so perfect. Compared to the formal classes, it was apparently a really nice experience. When I took the formal classes in the second semester, it was hard for me to make friends. Every time the class ended, my classmates just walked straight out the classroom, really fast! I think it’s good for me to take the ALI class first so that I can make more friends in America.(317字)


照片說明:One of the bus stations at school with such beautiful sun set view.

【照片說明:One of the bus stations at school with such beautiful sun set view.】

CSULB has a really big campus, we need to take the buses to move across the campus because it will take at least one and a half hour to walk through the whole campus and we’ll be late for class. Student Union is one place that many students love to spend their time with friends there. There are bowling and billiard for students and it only cost a low price. It’s good for students to play few rounds of these sports after a long day classes. Student Union also provides many different types of food shops. My personal favorite is Carl’s Jr. It is a famous fast food restaurant in the US, I really like the burgers and the fries there. Other shops I was also go sometimes. Like Subway, pizza shop and Coffee Beans and Leaves, l already miss the food there. If you think the price of buying food is too expensive, don’t worry. There is also a cool place in Student Union. At the ground floor, there is a room looks like a grocery store. Student can go pick limited items like milk, cereal, meat, fast food noodles and vegetables three times a week and it’s all free. They also provide free food every Wednesday. Actually, it was quite delicious. The place is run by the student ASI. At the middle of the campus, in front of the bookstore, there sometimes would have random stores pop up every week, it won’t be the same every time. Sometimes was little shop of stickers and pins, sometimes was clothes and sometimes was second-hand books. I love to walk around the campus every beginning of the week and see what store is open this week. It was a good time for me. (298字)


照片說明:Driving in the desert of Las Vegas.

【照片說明:Driving in the desert of Las Vegas.】

During these nine months in America, me and my friends decided to go several places which were not really close to the place we lived. We decided to rent the cars. As a person who just got the driver’s license few months ago and didn’t have enough experience of driving, it was a little scary for me to drive in the United States because the cars were driving so fast on the highway and there are some rules of driving are different with Taiwan’s rules. For example, in America, they can turn right when the traffic light is red. At first, I didn’t get used to it. Sometimes we need to turn right but when the light turned red, I just stop. My friend reminded me I can keep going then I just realized. It takes me sometimes to learn. Now I can say I am braver to drive on the road because I got some chances to practice in the US and the cars were way faster than they in Taiwan.(176字)


It is a great chance to go aboard to see a different view from the place we grow up. It will be better if you catch every single thing you can do when you out there. For example don’t be afraid to talk, the more you speak the more improvement of your English abilities you’ll get. People don’t laugh at you when you say something wrong. (69字)




照片說明:Travelled to New York with my friends.
【照片說明:Travelled to New York with my friends.】
照片說明:After the special event of Halloween, teacher was grading the pumpkins we carved.
【照片說明:After the special event of Halloween, teacher was grading the pumpkins we carved.】
點閱次數:650資料更新時間:03月10日 18:01
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