
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
資工 409840245  壽永馨   留學學校:加州州立大學長堤分校


I like United States very much, and their mother tongue is English, so if I want to go shopping, I don't have any problems speaking other languages. And there are many people from different countries, so you can learn a lot of different cultures. So when I first chose a school, my first choice was the United States. Because I have been to the east coast of the United States before, I want to see the difference between the west coast and the east coast of the United States this time. Then I saw CSULB. I think this school is very suitable for me. Not only traffic very convenient, but also the weather is good. My first semester was language school and my second semester was academic course.(128字)


照片說明:Photos of class notes for academic courses

【照片說明:Photos of class notes for academic courses】

Language school is to learn some words, grammar, so that my English foundation more solid. Although the grammar taught are very simple grammar, there will not be too difficult grammar, but let me learn some of the grammar that I originally used completely wrong, and then correct it, and also taught a lot of writing skills, so that our English test is easier to pass, and I took academic courses next semester. Language schools not only have classes, sometimes there are many activities such as going to the aquarium or kayaking. I can have more experience in your life, and these activities are included in the tuition fee, and I can meet many students from the language school. The academic course is that the school only allows us to choose the level 100 to 300 course, otherwise too difficult course is actually incomprehensible. Because after all, they are all English classes, there are many proper nouns if I have not heard before, it takes some time to understand, the professor actually teaches quickly, sometimes in the process of understanding, the professor has already taught the next thing, I did not understand the content of half the lesson. It takes a lot of time to review when I go home. Some of the math class is easy, but it will have a lot of math homework need to write. So I always spend a lot of time writing homework. But when take any math quiz, I do not need to review it. I can get good grades too. It is because I already study a long time, so most of the question I can answered correctly. The coding class is so hard for me because it will have a lot of question and need to knoe what the answers they want. So sometimes I need to identify what the question want, and I will spend to much time for the same question.(319字)


照片說明:The environment of the dormitory room

【照片說明:The environment of the dormitory room】

I live in a school dormitory, and although it is a dormitory outside the school, there is a shuttle bus to the school from Monday to Friday, and there is a bus in about 10 minutes, so it is convenient to go to school. It has a big swimming pool between the building, also our first floor have some study rooms can study. I don't need to go to library to study. But when the final exam, study room were all full. So I studied in my own room. On holidays, I can walk for ten minutes to buy vegetables or go to restaurants. It is because my dorm location was near by traffic circle. There have a lot of grocery stores. Because most of them are Americans, there are many opportunities to chat in English, and you can quickly improve your English skills. If I need to go to LA, I need to take metro. It is cheap, but security is not good enough. Sometimes will meet some weird person. For example, someone will take bluetooth speaker play very loud noises. Take metro will spend a long time too, I always need to take 3 hours from LA downtown to Long Beach. So if I want to go to some places faster, I need to take Uber. But I need to spend more money. If I go to eat restaurant, I need to spend 20 to 35 US dollars, it was expensive. So most of the time, I cook by myself. Long Beach weather is always good in every season. It will only rain a few days a month. It usually will rain when the season changed.(274字)


照片說明:The food we cook

【照片說明:The food we cook】

I think when I was in Taiwan, life was very convenient. But in the United States, I had to keep calling many things, and sometimes my language skills were not very good. I couldn't understand them. But after getting used to it, I don't feel that difficult. I also become able to be calmly if something bad happens. The food they eat is different too. For example, school's cafeteria always have french fries for every meals or chicken nuggets and chicken tenders. Most of the foods were fast food. And they didn't have blanched vegetables, they only have salad. So now I don't want to eat salad an french fries anymore. They don't like a lot of soy sauce meals, they only have teriyaki chicken. But the sauce I think is too sweet, it is different from soy sauce. So if I want to eat braised dishes, I need to buy all the stuff in Asian market. It is because like soy sauce and other ingredients it will not sell in grocery store. So we will bought ingredients online Asian market, and it will deliver to our address. I need to take a long time to go to every places. Not like in Taiwan, we have a lot of transportation can take. In United States, everyone all have cars, if you don't have cars, it is hard to go to any places. So I spent a lot of money to take Uber, and sometimes some places didn't have any Uber. I can not go home either.(256字)


I will recommend to take more our major courses, because it is more easier to take the credit back to graduate. If it is different major class, need to go to different major office to change the credit. It will spend a lot of time to take credit. You may have to open a bank account at the local bank, because sometimes the card problem is not very easy to solve, and it takes a long time to deal with it. Need to call a lot of phone call between bank and the company. And it is more convenient to give money for meals between classmates. It has a transfer company called Zelle. You can tranferred anytime and as much as you can. It will not have any transfer fee too. I think need to learn some dishes that you like to eat in Taiwan because a lot of dishes which I like half of it didn't sell in US. I missed a lot of dishes. For example, stinky tofu and oyster omelet. Also the places you want to live is important too because in CSULB, they don't have enough dorms. So students always need to wait have empty rooms or not. So if you want to live in dorm, need to apply as fast as you can. It is because I remember my I-20 I got it in April. But dorm apply until April only. It only left one week to apply it. Or need to rent the house as fast as you can that have places to live. (260字)




點閱次數:208資料更新時間:03月10日 17:51
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