
2022 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2022大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
觀光B 409860326  葉子薇   留學學校:桑德蘭大學(英國)


大三出國留學學校:桑德蘭大學 城市:英國桑德蘭 出國期間:111/01~112/08 修習課程:觀光管理(0字)


照片說明:The pic was took when we were taking photo with our friends at their graduation ceremony.

【照片說明:The pic was took when we were taking photo with our friends at their graduation ceremony.】

My favorite class named "Impacts Of Festivals And Events" , which was taught by Laura Nelson. She was nice and thoughtful, always encourage students to express the thoughts, which makes me felt more self-confidence thus willing to speak in front of public. The goal of this module is to enable students to delve into the reason why, and how should a successful festival or event been organized. Through the class, professor develop several ways to better stimulate independent thoughts.For instances, there were once, all classmates were separated as 2 group. We were distributed to government or opposition to engage in the in-class debate competition. Most of the time, the class was proceeded in a really comfortable form, Laura would share a news, short clip or show reels of the topic was focused on that class, after we watched those information, after 40 minutes, we would have to create a form fill in the pros and cons or other further thoughts, such as the advice or any suggestion for improving the activities.Sometimes Laura would ask some question about whether the popular activities indeed deserved that fame, If no, she would lead us to take a guess about how could those organization consolidate their relationship with those supporters. In the other words, based on the paragraph written above, basically each students possess at least 1-3 chances to convey their self during the class.For me, I would say that this course enable me to think more about what is the main reason a festival existed, how could it keep running year after years, what is the main income of it? Or is there any donation from other enterprise? I learnt to analyze the process of holding an events, the core value and basic elements related to it was 2 indispensable parts of providing a nice experience and smooth planning process for host. (308字)


I would separate this part in bullet points. Campus | For the campus, there are 2 spots of Sunderland University in Sunderland. One named Saint-Peter, One named City Campus. Both organizations were incredibly nice equipped with nice people who provide assistance for international students school life or any education related issue. Accommodation | I lived at Panns Bank, which belongs to one of the nearest school accommodation choices across of the Saint-Peter campus. The room type was en-suite so I had to share kitchen, bathroom, as well as dining room with other 4 roommates. I lived with 3 British and 1 Canadian, they are usually nice but some time we had to communicate due to different life habits. Environments | Where I lived was near the city centre of Sunderland. *Shops around JD sports : sports brands. M&S : fresh groceries and nice quality breads. Bridge : local department store to displayed everything you might need in your daily-routine. Boots : Cosmetics, health and beauty Super drug : Cosmetics, health and beauty Primark : nice bargain for daily amenities about fashion/ home/beauty Tesco : Hyper market provides anything you could think of Climates | It is not as rainy as I thought, however, sometimes it rains at the morning, hot as summer in the afternoon but the temperature went down as winter in the midnight. Rather than a country of rain, I would prefer to describe UK as a place you could experience four seasons within 12 hours.There is only one thing unchanged, no matter which season it is, the wind was always strong. For my personal suggestion due to previous expeience, glove, beanie or cap and sunglasses are 3 items in a group named as "survival partners" in my UK life. (278字)


As my personal experience, I hadn’t encounter that much of hardship during attend the course, what I could remind juniors students was to pay more attention to the ID allocation time and course selection time. Please check the website such as Canvas to avoid that you still went to school when there was a regular strike. As I know, the strike held twice a month at Wednesday morning ( If professor’s mood wasn’t good, it would be longer. )I often forgot the strike and turned out went to do groceries when there was no class to attend. People who lived in UK were all worked in an extremely chill mood, when they’re off work, the information and the workload just mean nothing to them. For those scheduled work, they treated them in the same way, too. Some of my classmates didn’t receive their ID card until the second week they arrived. Moreover, I didn’t receive my bankcard after I apply it for 1 month. It is hard to imagine that would happen in Taiwan, in commonplace we could get our card right away or maximum for 7-10 days waiting time. I checked the information twice with the front desk thus they found that my card even hadn’t been registered to produce after I signed all documents one week ago. Fortunately I already received other card of online bank- Monzo, or I have no method to pay my friend after each hang out. For the efficiency in UK, it is a brand-new concept which always could amazed me. Let’s talk about the racism experience I had encountered in UK. Once I was with my friends chatting happily at the metro station, there was a group of teenagers walk to us and start to make fun of my friends cap and attires. I was really mad that time, I said : “ please apologize, this is disrespectful.” Of course they didn’t follow what I have said. There was another British showed up and help us to keep them away. He said : “Teenage always goes like this.” It is really hard to imagine those little devils would turned to a polite, proper British after they turned 18. Left this experience aside, for the people I know and talk to, they were usually nice and kind to provide assistance to foreigners. (391字)


Some suggestion for my juniors : (1)Keep open-minded There are tons of new things to discover and experience, just try your best to know more and don't be afraid to chat with strangers! (2)Always believe in yourself After I went abroad,I found that I felt more satisfied about myself, willing to give myself more chances to make mistake or try new things that I haven't learn before.Everyone here was so supportive so don't have to be afraid of showing yourself! (3)Grab the chance to get in touch with people In this year I know people from several countries, American, Spanish, Canadian, Korean, Indonesian and Malaysian - my roommate.I know lots of exotic cuisine from those friends, I also enjoyed those delicacies a lot.I enjoy the time I spend with those friends(134字)




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