
2023 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
英文 410810047  陳宥嘉   留學學校:聖路易斯大學(比利時)


For my Junior Year Abroad, I decided to select University UCLouvain Saint-Louis, which was located in Brussels, Belgium. I was there for an entire school year, from August 2023 all the way to July 2024, which meant 2 separate semesters for the entirety of my stay in Belgium. As an exchange student, I was allowed to select a variety of courses in many different departments, such as History, Social Sciences and Politics. Even before my arrival in Brussels, I first had to select my courses through a online Learning Agreement, which had to be first approved by the officials here at Tamkang. One thing worth noting is that if you do not possess a French Language Certification, you will be unable to take courses in the Translation and Interpretation Department. (As the classes are mostly taught in French.) (135字)


照片說明:French Class in progress

【照片說明:French Class in progress】

As I was in Belgium, I took it upon myself to pick up the French Language. Brussels was the ideal choice for such a decision of course, since French, alongside English are two of the official Languages spoken in the city. Hence, I was able to take the French Learnt from my Weekly French Class at use it on a daily basis! And if my French didn't go across at times, I could always default back to English, and people would still understand me! As for the classes, I actually enjoyed most of them, a few that stood out in my mind were actually courses tailored for exchange students, such as Belgian Politics. The professor for this course was especially passionate about the subject, and would take us out on walking tours in the city to explain in detail, the facts mentioned in his classes. I absolutely loved this teaching style. And of course, my weekly French course was also something that I looked forward to each week. Over the course of two semesters, my French improved in ways that I never could have imagined before, and it was all because of this French Class. The professor may speak a little too much French in the initial phases of the intermediate class for my liking, but aside from that, it was a very interactive course filled with opportunities to improve you French skills! One thing that I felt a little bit disappointed by is the fact that for the French Class, only the beginner level got to take an oral exam during the end of the year finals. Once I moved up to intermediate in the second semester, this was no longer the case for me. I understand that such an arrangement must have been set in place due to special circumstances, but I would have still liked to have had a oral exam, for me to assess myself with!(320字)


照片說明:Dormitory Living Space

【照片說明:Dormitory Living Space】

The school itself is not a campus style university. Rather, it is more like individual buildings here and there, and within those buildings, you take your classes, quite a simple setting. This also means that I didn't have access to a cafeteria, a school gym or other fancy on school equipment that other exchange students may have had access to. But, it was good enough for me. Also, the decision to live in the Ommegang school dormitory was the best decision I've made during my year in Brussels. Not only does it offer a less than 2 minute trip to your classes, but you are also blessed with a kitchen (granted, you share that kitchen with others), and also individual rooms! The rooms themselves come in many different styles, depending on how much you are willing to pay. I was fortunate enough to select one with its own bathroom, so I didn't have to worry about disturbing others at midnight if I wanted to use the toilet. The rooms also come with heaters, and since Belgium, like every other Western European country, rains a lot, and is often rather cold in terms of the weather, having a heater is a lifesaver in those times. Speaking of cold temperatures, make sure to pack at least 2 or more winter jackets to combat the cold while you are there, you will 100% need them. (229字)


照片說明:Friends in Brussels

【照片說明:Friends in Brussels】

However, amidst all the beauty, there are still aspects of Brussels that I find hard to get used to. The most difficult thing to adapt to is probably how early the shops close here. Regular stores close around 6 or 7 p.m., and the Carrefour near my dorm only stays open until 8 p.m.! On Sundays, shops all take the day off, so living here means always having the mindset of stocking up on groceries before Sunday. What’s even harder to get used to is that Brussels is quite a dirty city, completely different from what I had in mind before I arrived there. I remember my first thought when I laid eyes on Brussels, This was the capital of the EU? Walking down the streets, you often see a lot of trash, and more than often, you get a whiff of the smell of urine—nasty. The homelessness issue here is also severe. Every night when I walk back to my dorm, I see many homeless people sleeping on the streets. In addition, like many major cities in Europe, pickpockets are everywhere in Brussels. In total, I've heard of at least 5 cases of phones or wallets being stolen from members of my friend group. Because of this, I always have to go out with a level of vigilance ten times higher than when I’m in Taiwan. All in all, while Brussels has many good aspects, like any city, it also has its ugly sides. (246字)


If there's one piece of advice I would give to anyone, it is that you can never be too safe, and also drink responsibly, Belgium, as well as other European countries are quite known for their alcoholic beverages like beer and wine. While it is completely okay to try some, I highly suggest that you know your limits when it comes to alcohol consumption. Europe, despite what you might believe, is a lot more lax in security and safety in comparison with Taiwan, thus, having your senses dulled and even worse, acting like it, will make you a clear target for pickpockets and thieves alike. (105字)


Another reason for choosing Brussels for me was it's close proximity to several European countries. Because of this, I was able to do weekend trips, or even day trips to cities located in completely different countries. Not only that, airline tickets and bus tickets that offered trips from Brussels to other countries were also very very reasonably priced. I took advantage of this and actually fulfilled a lifelong dream of travelling to Italy during my year abroad. It was a...splendidly Magical experience, where my days were filled with ancient history, amazing food, and heartwarming interactions with locals and other travelers alike! (102字)


照片說明:The 2023 Brussels Exchange Student Family!
【照片說明:The 2023 Brussels Exchange Student Family!】
照片說明:A statue in a Belgian City, symbolizing the saying: work hard, play hard.
【照片說明:A statue in a Belgian City, symbolizing the saying: work hard, play hard.】
點閱次數:194資料更新時間:03月04日 02:40
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