大三出國、全英語課程 - 國際視野
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2023 大三出國輔導通報 -
2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[
英文 410810054 林韋綸 留學學校:加州州立大學長堤分校
CSULB is one of the most amazing and reputable school I’ve ever visited. During this time, I was lucky enough to have family and relatives in near cities to support me. Throughout the course of time, I had the opportunity to explore and excel at what I love.
For most of the classes I attended I had to make sure they’re not a burden that could hinder my own plan. Hence, most of my classes were PE classes. However, there’re a few classes I enjoyed the most, including, English studies and methodology, nutrition and Fundamental Chinese. If I were to compare the education and overall environment to those in Taiwan, I’d say California wins hands down. Not only do they have state of the art technology and information, but also the passion and interaction in class between students and professors. Out of all of the classes in the two semesters, I had a few classes that I enjoyed the most. English studies and methodology was the first one that I think I have learned the most from. It taught me how to analyze a certain essay by assessing the fundamentals of it. However, another class that I enjoyed the most was nutrition. Although it wasn’t related to my major, I still benefited a lot in this class. Last but not least, PE classes are some of the most interesting classes I have ever attended. If I were to compare the PE classes in Taiwan to those in CSULB, I would say those in CSULB are far more superior. Another course that I enjoyed the most was English composition. Although it is quite common, the way the professor lectured on the composition was relatively unique and innovative. I personally prefer the teaching style in the CSULB than all the others I have ever come across. The novelty and interaction between professors and students made the atmosphere more vibrant and boosted the relationship between both sides. For example the more interactive it is between both sides the more passionate and proactive the students become. Hence, willingness to attend the course increases.
Long beach is a city known for its beautiful campus. Strong academic programs, and its feature of it’s famous pyramids building. Surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscapes around the campus. It’s convenience is second to none compared to cities around. People in long beach are generally pretty friendly and easy going. The only drawback of this city is the transportation. For example, the schedule of buses is quite infrequent, making it not a good choice to rely on. Other than the transportation, long beach is pretty much a perfect city to live in. I’m grateful to have a family in the near city that helped me with all the affairs including apartments, transportation, food and so on. The area in which I lived was relatively convenient and pretty much had the most incredible resources of everything basically. I was fortunate enough to live in the mecca of fitness and bodybuilding. I’ve visited some of the most famous and reputable gyms in California and met a lot of professional bodybuilders from whom I’ve learnt a lot. I also had the chance to make the best use of all the unbelievable resources as part of my plan. For the environment I lived in, I’ve pretty much been to all the places in my vicinity. Generally speaking, the view and people around were amazing to have come aross. Honestly, maybe it’s because I’m lucky enough to have lived in such a great place. If I were to rank it, I’d give it a 9 outta
As I’ve stated before, the most progress I’ve made doesn’t really come from my school but the experience I had in the realm of fitness and bodybuilding which I’m super passionate about. I’ve learned so much and gained a huge amount of knowledge from the study session everyday. I also had the blessing to pass the exam of a certificate regarding contest prep coaching. But for the classes I attended in school, there were also a huge boost in my plan and knowledge. I did nutrition and sports science and learned a lot from them. Other than the knowledge I gained at school, the most important aspect I’ve picked up is the curiosity to explore everything that drives me to get out of the comfort zone. For example, there’s one class out of my major that I am super interested in, I would have to search for the ways to successfully enroll in the class. That could be quite troublesome. However, it is this passion that drives me to get out of the comfort zone to get the work done, and pursue what I love. Not only have I learned how to be independent, but also the willingness to break the comfort zone and explore the the passion. I have gained so much knowledge and changed my mentality for good through this studying abroad program. Additionally I found my passion and worked on it for such a long time that when I looked back on the work I have put in during this period, I always felt so proud and grateful for the amount of growth that came into the process
For those who plan to study abroad the most honest advise I could ever give is to utilize the most out of everything. Do not waste any opportunities or spend time only having fun. Without the help of your family, it could be a lesson that teaches you how to be independent, but it could also be very troublesome. Making friends and reaching out to them is one of the best decision you could ever make. Othe than this I’d say have a plan, whether for long or short term. Plan everything out and execute them on a daily basis. Do not waste any precious time abroad. For those who are wondering if the academic pressure is overwhelming, it actually isn’t as terrible as we imagined. Based on the classes I showed up to and the classmates around me, most professors are quite friendly and easy-going. From the experience I had if you showed up on time and pay some attention in class, you would have no worries passing the course. Generally speaking, most professors in CSULB are pretty nice and negotiable. I have talked to a few of them about the criteria of passing the course. Most of the professors are not as strict about the attendance as I expected. As far as I heard, they primarily focus on the grades of your quizzes and final exam. Lastly, I would say studying abroad is a good way to be independent and explorative, but for the first timer it is quite difficult to start everything from scratch.
資料更新時間:03月04日 02:24