
2023 大三出國輔導通報 -

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2023大三出國輔導通報系統 - 留學心得報告[編輯]
英文 410816044  陳愛神非亞  留學學校:斯德哥爾摩大學(瑞典)


The courses in Stockholm University were offered in bundles. For example, I took English II which included: Literary Cultures 1340-1832, Literary cultures 1832 - present, Linguistics 2A and Linguistics 2B (Semester 1). English III included: Optional Literature Model 1 (Post-War British Literature), Optional Literature Model 2 (Plantation Literature) (Semester 2). Then you can add to your bundle (if you have time as some bundles are “100% study pace”, meaning you will be occupied full-time). Since I had some extra time, I added Swedish for one semester and Creative Writing in the next. The university emphasized self-study, offering fewer classes but with a more demanding workload. Courses like Linguistics, which were open to both Literature and Education students, were held in larger lecture halls. In contrast, Literature classes, which required discussion and analysis, were divided into smaller groups with separate meeting days. This allowed the professor to dedicate adequate time to address the texts and engage with each student. Additionally, we focused on one class at a time, moving to the next course only after completing the previous one, to maintain full concentration on a single subject. (180字)


照片說明: Creative Writing class

【照片說明: Creative Writing class】

I had three favorite classes. The first was Linguistics 2A, where we had to write a research paper. We attended several classes that taught us how to conduct research and structure the paper. We were then divided into groups based on our research topics and assigned to professors specializing in those areas, for example, pragmatics. We had weekly classes to share the paper’s progress, gave one or two presentations, and receive tailored feedback. Another class I thoroughly enjoyed was Plantation Literature. Each week, we had to read a thick novel, which was fantastic because the novels were genuinely interesting and worth exploring. We met once a week to discuss various aspects and layers of the novel before being assigned the next one. The final class I loved was Creative Writing. We met in the evenings, and the age group was diverse, with even 60-year-olds joining, which was cool because we were surrounded by students with vastly different approaches to writing. The classes, led by a fun professor, featured weekly projects that were a joy to work on. At the end of the course, we wrote our own short stories and participated in sessions where group members provided constructive criticism. It was intriguing, as the writer could not defend themselves and had to absorb the readers' perspectives, deciding afterward whether to incorporate the feedback into the final draft. (228字)


照片說明:Stockholm University

【照片說明:Stockholm University 】

One thing that quite surprised me was Lappis campus, as the location’s perfectly situated near forests and lakes, creating a peaceful environment. It also has everything a student would need and more. In the front of the campus, about a five minute walk, there is a community forest/park where you’ll find Icelandic horses, rabbits, a small lake, and beautiful community gardens in the spring and summer. Going out there became especially important to me even in the winter, as getting fresh air was essential to maintaining overall health despite the sun setting like 3 pm in winter. At the back of Lapis campus, there’s another forest next to a lake where you can go to read or watch sailboats go back and forth. There are also swans and many ducks there and the occasional deer. If you continue on, you’ll eventually come across Lappis beach, a popular spot for students to gather for BBQs, sunbathing, and watching the northern lights. Additionally, Lappis campus offers excellent amenities, including a movie room, sauna, tennis court, basketball court, restaurants, and a supermarket. It’s also conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from Stockholm University. The majority of students living in Lapis Campus are foreign students with one or two Swedes on each floor. Not all students attend Stockholm University. Almost half attend other universities like Karolinska Institutet. It is common practice to have international dinners in the dorms and at 10 pm every Tuesday for everyone to stick their little heads out the window and do the “Lappis Scream” which helps you get out all your academic frustration and find solidarity with other suffering students.(275字)


照片說明:  Hillsong Church

【照片說明: Hillsong Church】

Studying abroad in Sweden has been a wonderful and worthwhile experience. I have not only learned about Swedish culture, but also about the diverse cultures of other international students. The educational environment in Sweden has also changed my approach to learning, boosting my confidence in areas where I lacked a previous sense of direction and self-assurance. I also learned how to be a bit more confident in my ideas and to be more comfortable speaking up in debates and discussions. This exchange also helped me create a sense of self-reliance as I had to do a lot of things on my own. Furthermore, a Swedish philosophy that I have come to love is the concept of Lagom which means “not too much, not too little, just the right amount”. This philosophy embodies the sense of balance and appropriateness in everyday life. It is about moderation and humility, an idea that permeates throughout Swedish culture. No one is above the other; everyone is equal and “just right” in their behavior towards one another. As I am one to like personal space, being in a country where everyone also likes personal space is really great. I was not particularly reserved or quiet as that was the average person’s disposition. I found people to be calm, interesting, and genuine which was refreshing as we were able to connect on many topics and appreciate one another’s slowness. I found this abroad year to be just the right degree of challenging, peaceful, and adventurous. I also enjoyed going to Hillsong church where I met wonderful Godly people who radiated light and joy, and I joined a book club and Bible study club on campus. (281字)


Sweden is a safe and nature-centered country that offers high-quality education that focuses on cultivating critical thinking and creativity. Many programs are taught in English, making them accessible to international students. The education system blends theoretical knowledge with practical learning, often including internships and real-world projects. Sweden's natural beauty and well-organized social welfare system enhance the overall student experience. There are a multitude of student clubs and associations that will have something for everyone. There are even travel clubs where you can travel to the arctic circle or fjords. By joining a club, you will be able to reap benefits such as discounts, access to events, etc. If you want to improve your Swedish you can watch the following: Moomin (Youtube - Moomin Svenska), Kalle Anka (Donald Duck is popular in Sweden), Love & Anarchy (Netflix), Bonusfamiljen (Netflix), The Square & Force Majure (by the brilliant Swedish director Ruben Östlund). I was initially told that Swedes were cold and reserved, often avoiding interaction by waiting for others to pass before leaving their homes. However, I found Swedes to be quite warm and kind. While it’s true that they value personal space—like skipping seats on the metro—they are happy to converse if you make the first move. Swedes are friendly, though it can be challenging to form close relationships as they tend to have established friend groups. Many international students suggest going out for drinks with Swedes to help break the ice, but I personally found most of my Swedish friends at Hillsong Church, which I highly recommend. The church was a wonderful place to connect with people who genuinely care for and love others.(275字)




照片說明:   International dinner
【照片說明: International dinner 】
照片說明:Church group gathering
【照片說明:Church group gathering】
點閱次數:165資料更新時間:03月04日 02:41
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